mar 8 24

13 2 0


so I dont have much to talk about but this morning something crazy happened.

so I was walking to the bus and my neck go super sore. then my ears and tail appeared! I was super close to the forest and I wanted so bad to go on all fours and into the forest. I fought back and kept growling in to prosses. It was annoying and painful but cool! 

alright so last night I went to the museum with cadets and there was tacadermy animals upstairs. owls, deer, mink, wesals, baby skunk and my favirote, A silver fox! I felt so conected to it and ive been questioning a fox therotype. im gonna reaserach and find some info. Update later! 


ok im back so im debating over a silver for and a coss fox. Im going to make a book on animal possiblitys and write there but im leaning twords a cross fox!

bye for now

in a human body till the end 


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