Chapter 2: Joker's Last Laugh

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It was all destroyed. Burnt, in ruins. Nothing and no one left alive, besides Superman, holding his dead wife and his unborn child in the crater that was once the great city that he knew and loved. And it was all taken from him by one man.


That same man was currently being interrogated by Batman and Spider-Man. Spider-Man wasn't even cracking a single joke, which made you know he was serious.

Spider-Man: You took his wife, his unborn child, and his city from him. Why?!

Joker: You really need reasons from me?

Batman: This has always been about you and me, Joker. Why do this to him?

Joker: Cause every time you and I play, I lose. So, I thought I'd try a game on easy mode for once. And it was as easy as beating a puppy to death...with a kitten!

Spider-Man: You're sick.

Joker: Uh, Obviously.

Joker laughs maniacally, while Batman and Spider-Man stared him down. Batman grabbed Joker by collar. However, Spider-Man held Batman's shoulder in comfort, causing him to let go of Joker.

Joker: Ah! That's why I like you, Spidey. Your morals always keep the Bat's morals in place. And of course, a Batman without rules and ethics would be a Batman Who Laughs! Of course, it isn't fun knowing that what I do to you, I can never corrupt you. Superman, on the other hand-

Spider-Man: There are some things even you can't corrupt, Joker.

Joker laughs at that statement.

Joker: Au contraire, mon frére. Look at you two. Someone took something from both of you in each of your lives, didn't they. Now, Spidey turned out just fine. But look what you became, Bats. The punching, kicking embodiment of wrath. If he's spent enough time around you, what do you think he'll become after this?

Batman: He'll grieve. But he will continue to be the best man I know. No matter what you do, Joker, no amount of torment and suffering will be able to break him.

Joker: Oh, no. This time...the jokes on you. And the world. Will. Burn.

Suddenly, the room begins to rumble, much to Joker's amusement.

Joker: Right on cue.

Suddenly, the wall is destroyed, as the whole room turns to see an angry Superman, with his eyes burning red. Slowly, Superman flew to Joker and flipped the table to the side. Spider-Man tries to get in between him and Joker.

Spider-Man: Superman, hold on a second. Just br-

But Superman pushes Spider-Man, as if he's nothing, causing him to crash into the wall. Batman runs to check on him, while Superman gets closer to the man who took everything from him.

Joker: First Krypton. Now Metropolis. People you know and love tend to blow up. Don't they, Supes.

Superman then grabs Joker by his collar, holding him up.

Joker: I know it's soon, but...if you ever love again...maybe you won't kill your next family...

Joker begins to laugh maniacally, as Superman lifts his hand in front of Joker.

Batman: Superman, don't!

But it was too late. And with that...Joker had the last laugh, as Superman put his entire hand through the madman's chest, ending his life.


Peter Parker: And...he put his hand...right through his chest...

Peter sat down in his apartment, with his wife sitting beside him, in shock of what she had to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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