Olivia Benson X child male Reader

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Summary: Y/N L/N had been kidnapped by a woman, the little boy eventually escapes and as he ran he bumps into Detective Olivia Benson.

Third person pov...

Y/N L/N was an ordinary seven-year-old boy, living with his parents in a busy neighborhood in New York City. He loved playing with his friends and going on adventures in the backyard. But one day, everything changed.

As Y/N was walking home from school, a woman approached him. She had a nice gentle smile on her face as she offered the boy candy.

Y/N smiled and took the candy thanking her. He then turned and started walking back home. But a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Hiw about I walk you home sweetie" she says, Y/N doesn't like how she looks at him.

Shivering he shrugged the hand off and begins walking home. A snear makes its way on the woman's face. "I don't think so sweetie" she then grabs Y/Ns hand and starts dragging him away.

Y/N instantly begins struggling. "Let go of me!" He screams, people start looking over but the woman reassures them he is her son, which makes the people believe her that he was a naughty child.

As he continues struggling the woman shoves Y/N into a blue car. Y/N hits his knee on the seat the woman slams the door behind him and lock it so he couldn't get out.

Slamming his hands on the window, his kidnapper gets in and starts the car. Scared Y/N turns to yell at the woman but she slaps him, hard enough his head almost his the window.

Surprised Y/N grips his backpack tight and holds his reddening cheek, he kept his eyes on the road remembering the way, as they drove the woman moved her hand from the gear to the boys leg.

Y/N tenses under her hand. He felt sick as the woman smiled as if she wasn't sickened by what she was doing. Y/N was frozen, he didn't know what to do.

He sat through the woman touching his leg slowly moving it up as he sat, pushing down the temptation to shove her hand off.

Breathing deeply the boy kept his tears hidden as he looked out he window, it wasn't long until they arrived at an old apartment block. They were a couple miles out of the city.

The woman stops the car. "Get out" she says to Y/N, the H/C boy flinches but quick gets out of the car once she unlocked the child locks.

Temped to run Y/N turns to the way they came, once again she puts her hand on his shoudler. "Don't think about it" she threatens, Y/N gulps and turns towards her.

The woman gives him a smile and pats his injured cheek gently, Y/N knew he had to be strong if he wanted to escape from this woman's clutches.

The building was dark and filthy, with only a few flickering lights to guide their way. Y/N's heart was racing as he tried to think of a way to escape.

The woman tied Y/N's hands and feet to a chair after stripping him from his coat, and trousers until he was only in his shirt, boxers and Shoes.

Y/N was scared but he refused to let the fear consume him, shaking he watches the woman stands infront of him tossing his school bag away.

He knew he had to stay strong if he wanted to get out of this situation. He struggled against the ropes, hoping to loosen them, but they were tightly bound.

The woman laughs. "No use trying that sweetie" she looks at him love in her eyes as she watched the boy struggle.

She soon left to get food and water for Y/N, once she was gone Y/N kept trying to loosen the ropes around his wrists.

Lookimg out the window it was nearing dark, his parents had to be worried sick for him. After wiggling around Y/N spots a sharp piece of glass by his foot.

"Yes" he whispers his victory, slowly his uses his shoe to drag the piece of glass close to the chair, he the slips his shoe off and uses his socked foot to kick it up and into his bound hands.

The glass pierces his skin, the burn makes him cry in pain, but was worth it to escape the ropes, after a few minutes his hands were free, he bend down to untie his feet.

Once he was free the young boy took of running down the building and out the door, once he was he saw the car and quickly remembered to take the licence plate down.

"Sweetie how did you escape" came a horribly familiar voice that made Y/N skin crawl. Turning towards the voice he saw his kidnapper.

She had a large bottle of water and a plastic bag full of food. Y/N glares at her "I'm not your sweetie leave me alone!" He yells before taking off running back go the main part of new York.

As he ran he heard the woman start the car up, Y/N felt himself run faster he can't be caught by her again. Leaving the main sidewalk he cuts through different parts of the city until he lost sight of the car.

Breathing heavy he stops running to breathe, after getting his breath back he looks around and realises he ran to manhatten. "At least I got away" whispers Y/N to himself before thinking about what to do next.

As luck would have it, He saw a police car parked by the side of the road and made a beeline for it. This was his only chance to get help, and he wasn't going to let it slip away.

Y/N ran towards the police car, tears streaming down his face, and bumped into a woman. But this was no ordinary woman, this was Detective Olivia Benson. She could sense that something was wrong and gently asked the little boy if he needed help.

Y/N was hesitant at first, but something about Detective Benson's kind eyes gave him the courage to speak up.

His trauma still fresh from the woman kidnapping him. But this woman seemed nice. "Hey there, I'm Olivia Benson I'm a Detective" she tells him holding out a badge.

'I'm in luck' Y/N thought to himself before collapsing in relief, as he did the Detective quickly held him up, Y/N fianlly cries as he holds the Detectives arms.

"I need help please" he cries, Olivia heart aches for the boy as he sobs in her arms, soothing the child she takes of her coat and wraps it around the boys shaking body, after seeing he wasn't wearing much.

"What happend to you?" She asks the scared boy, Y/N snuffles before pulling away slightly. "I was kidnapped by a woman, she took off my clothes and touched me" sobs once again wracked the child body.

Olivia gasps and hugs the boy tight again, she then calls for assistance, in half an hour a bus was there along with her team to interview the boy.

As he was being looked at Y/N told them what happened to him, Olivia sat with the boy and comforted him as he spoke.

Hours later woman who had kidnapped Y/N was apprehended, and the little boy was finally reunited with his family. Tears of joy flowed down Y/N's face as he hugged his parents tightly.

He was grateful to Detective Benson for helping him and staying with him to he felt safe.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1320

Law and Order SVU X Child Reader oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin