Chapter two

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Aislinn was awakened by the morning rays of the sun tickling her cheeks. She opened her eyes. She saw a bright light flood the room. The crystal chandeliers sparkled. The gold was shining. She was lying in a big four-poster bed. She did not recognize the place where she found herself. It wasn't her bed or the old familiar walls. Even the light coming in through the high windows was not the same as the one that woke her up every morning, until today.

Unsteadily, she climbed out of bed and looked around the room. She approached the tall windows lined with heavy curtains. Behind them lay a wide, green landscape. Blooming gardens. Colorful carpets of flowers. In the distance stretched the forest. The turquoise skies were without the slightest hint of a cloud. The singing of birds carried through the surroundings. Where the hell am I, she thought.

The large double doors swung open. Aislinn turned in their direction, startled. A tall woman entered. She looked gorgeous. Her long golden hair flowed over her shoulders. A light white dress surrounded her slender body. Her face was decorated with a friendly smile.

"Miss, you're already awake," the stranger spoke. "I'll fill up the bath so you can wash up," she said.

"Where am I?" Aislinn asked her hesitantly. She didn't know whether to be afraid or run away through that door. She didn't know what was behind them. She didn't know what was waiting for her there. Well, she seemed nice at least.

That's when Aislinn noticed the sharp tips of her ears sticking out from between the strands of her hair. Her dream. A dancing light leading her through the forest. A mysterious stranger playing the violin. Prince of the Feria.

What the hell did I do, the voice in her head said.

"You are at the residence of Prince Nathaniel, the heir to the throne of Feria, Miss Aislinn," she replied.

No, no, no, she screamed in her own head. It was just a dream. And now she finds out that it was real all along. He was real. This is all real. Aislinn has always believed in fairy-tale creatures and the realistic origins of old myths and legends. Somehow, however, a certain skepticism was rooted in her, as in every person. She did not believe that the mythical world could ever meet hers. She thought it was just a dream.

"Come on, Miss!" she took Aislinn's hand and gave her a sweet, sympathetic smile. She understood her confusion and what a shock it must be for her to find herself in a completely foreign place. She understood that it must all sound unbelievable. "We'll wash you and get you ready. Then you will meet Prince Nathaniel and he will explain everything to you," she said.

Aislinn took her hand and followed her into the bathroom. What else was left for her? She must meet with Prince Nathaniel and explain to him that a mistake has been made. She doesn't belong here. He must find another bride.

"By the way, my name is Karsyn. I will be your lady-in-waiting. I will help you with everything you need. I will help you with the functioning of the court." said Karsyn. "You can come to me with anything you need."

"I have to get home, Karsyn," Aislinn said pleadingly.

Karsyn gave Aislinn a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, but only His Highness can help you with that," she replied.

Karsyn filled for Aislinn a hot bath with rose oil. Aislinn took a long bath. She needed to wash away the feelings that were overwhelming her. She still couldn't believe it wasn't just a dream, even as she sat in the bathtub, in the most amazing bathroom she'd ever seen. She played with pink petals floating on the surface. She didn't want to let go of that dream, but she didn't want to fully immerse herself in it either.

Subsequently, Karsyn returned with two other fae women. One of them, a black-haired beauty, was decorated with antlers like a deer. The other had flowers tangled in her hair like a wild girl. Aislinn was dressed in a light pink dress made of feathers. A wide ribbon tied her waist. In that dress, in which she could barely move, she felt like a bird in a golden cage. Her hair was braided in complicated braids. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't recognize herself. She looked like a completely different person.

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