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Kareena Mikaelson, the monster mothers warned their children about. Kareena was an abomination, just like her twin brother Niklaus, yet what set her apart from her twin, was her ability to siphon magic from others. She was a mistake, told multiple times from her own mother, a disgrace, for not being born as a witch. Kareena was the 5th oldest of the Mikaelson family, yet her and her twin were different, from the rest of them. When they were forcibly turned, by Esther and Mikael, using the blood of the doppelganger, it brought a deep insatiable hunger, uncontrollable and vengeful.

The truth of it finally came out when they made their first kill. Niklaus, who should've been a vampire, became the first Hybrid, a mixture of Werewolf and Vampire and Kareena, she became the first Tribrid, a mixture of Werewolf, Vampire, and Siphoner. They were the first of their kind, majestic, yet terrifying, and they were condemned for it. In an attempt to right her wrongs, Esther bound their wolf side, sealing the parts of them that made them whole. In anger at their mother's betrayal, they lashed out, ripping her to shreds and burying her body into the ground. They placed the blame upon Mikael, and ran. For a thousand years, they ran, never truly feeling at peace.

Though Kareena wasn't with her twin throughout all the years. In the year of 1492, she committed the ultimate betrayal to Klaus. She befriended the one and only Katerina Petrova, fell for her charm, just as her twin and elder brother did. Though she was aware that what her and Kat did, was nothing but fun, and that she much preferred to play with her brothers. Even with this knowledge, both Kat and Kareena became close, as close as Kareena was once with her little sister Rebekah. Occasionally, they would fall into bed, Kat much preferred when Kareena was the one in control, and she quite liked when Kareena let her beast out.

When Katerina found out about the curse, and her part in it, she went to Kareena for help, pleading for her to save her. She was still but a young woman, she didn't want to die, at least not like that. She wanted to die on her own terms, on her own sake. Kareena knew what that was like, wanting to live, but only being told to die, so she helped her escape. Katerina, never one to keep a debt, proved her loyalty to Kareena, by helping her break her curse. That night, the both of them ran from Klaus's wrath. Katerina sought out the help of Trevor and Rosemary, and thus earned the anger from Elijah, the noble Original. Things were not easy, with being on the run and all, so the both women separated, though keeping close contact with each other.

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The sound of my ringtone, slowly pulled me out of my sleep, making me groan in annoyance. I sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and stretching slightly. My phone once again went off, making me snarl, before I grabbed it off of my night table. The time 10:30am, stared back at me, as if mocking me.

"Someone better be dead or dying, or I'll make you wish you were." I snarled out, irritated at the fact I was awake before noon. There was silence, after my comment, as if the other person was debating on if they should speak or not. "And here I thought you would've missed me as much as I missed you Rina" The voice called out, laughing slightly. "Maybe I should've waited a bit longer to call you" She continued.

"It would have been preferred Kat, you know how much I love my sleep. Why did you call anyways?" I asked her, yawning slightly as I got out of bed. I stepped around the drained corpses laying on the floor, and made my way to the bathroom.

"Klaus has me Rina, he compelled me to stab myself over and over again, I've been here for weeks now. Damon has been helping me with giving me vervain, but I can't run from Klaus." Kat told me, her voice soft, as it wavered in fear. I froze slightly before breathing deeply.

"Where are you right now Kat?" I asked her, going back into the room to pack my bag. "Mystic Falls, but Rina, you have to know. Elijah was here, Klaus daggered him again, because he had a play in betraying him with the so called Scooby Gang, but Klaus has broken his curse. He's officially the Hybrid." I heard her breathe hitch, before the call abruptly ended. I stood still for a couple of seconds, before heading to the bathroom to shower and freshen up. After wards, I left the room, leaving the bodies there to rot, it's not like anyone would miss them nor would they smell them, after all, we were in a secluded cabin in the woods. Walking to my bike, I threw my bag upon my back, and started the engine. I revved up the engine loudly, before zooming down the road, quickly making my way to Mystic Falls.

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