Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Eleanor's POV

Caleb apologized immediately the next day for what happened on the dinner night. I forgave him, of course, but was still confused on his actions. Parker hasn't called at least once after the last conversation we had. I was itching to call him but was afraid of interrupting him at his meeting or something important. I decided to just wait for his call ...again. 

It was two days before Parker was scheduled to be home. I spent majority of my time taking care of Peyton and Luke, pampering them. We went out downtown once and let them shop for toys at a toy shop. They deserved any type of thing that would make them happy from suffering through the hard times they had with me.  

While we were out and about, I also bought myself some art supplies. I decided on working on art once again. Now that I was financially supported thanks to the deal with Parker, I could use my talent to gain some money for myself in case anything happens in the future. I had everything planned out: I would work on paintings on large canvases, and once I had enough pieces I would start an exhibit. I need Parker's help of course, but I was pretty positive he wouldn't reject my proposal.

While I counted the hours down until Parker would be home, I took a break from my art work and decided to give Luke the birthday party he has always wanted. 

"This one Momma!" Luke announced from beside the party planner I hired for his big day. I looked over at the picture of superheroes as a theme.

"You want that one, angel?" I asked smiling. He nodded, and I asked him again to make sure. "A hundred percent sure?" 

"Yup!" He nodded smiling. "I want Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and all of them! No Catwoman. They're for girls!" He crinkled his nose in disgust.  

"That's a great choice," Marie, the planner, spoke up. "Luke, which mascot do you want? You can't have all of them."

"Aww," he pouted grabbing on my arm. "Momma! I want all of them!"

I shook my head. "You heard her, Luke. You can't have all of them." 

"Okay," he relented. "I'll have Superman."

"That's my boy," I said proudly at his lack of tantrum. I kissed the top of his head. "Thanks for being a good boy this morning. You can go play with Peyton now." 

"Yay!" He jumped from the couch and ran down to where Peyton was happily playing with his new toys. 

Marie opened her notebook and looked at me with a smile. "To wrap this up, we settled on the venue in the backyard, correct?" I nodded and waited for her to continue. "Alright. You told me to hire a clown, the Superman, with of course the overall theme (plates, cups, table cloths) as superheroes." I nodded once again. "I'll get the invitations ready and mail them to the list of people you will be giving me soon?"

"I'll have a talk with my husband for all the guests, yes," I confirmed standing up and walking her out the door. "I'll mail it to your building within the next few days."

"Sounds good! I will see you at the day of the party then," Marie smiled and waved to me goodbye.

I closed the door on her and walked back to the living room. I cleaned the house myself and got everything ready for Parker's homecoming. I was ready for him to come home.

I was working on a painting; a painting of a photograph when Luke was just a tiny baby. I was planning on displaying that just as a decoration to keep around the house and not for my art exhibit idea. My sons were taking their afternoon nap during this time of the day, so it was a perfect time to work on a painting. It was also during that time when my phone rang, and I jumped up thinking it was Parker. He was suppose to be home earlier today... He was rather late.

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