New Beginnings

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It all started 5 years ago. Poppy reunited with Viva and Branch got back together with his brothers. It was all fine until a few months after the big reunion. The beginning of it all...

Poppy and Viva forgive King Peppy. Turns out he was looking for Viva this whole time and just couldn't find her.

-The day of escaping the troll tree I ran back inside to save more trolls and you, Viva. King peppy says

-I saw that the tunnel was closed off. I tried to get around the blockage, but I just couldn't. I had Poppy with me and i didn't want to risk getting her hurt. I believed you were old enough and strong enough to save the other trolls, so I went back.

-The next day I sent some teams out to look for you. None of them could find you. King Peppy, continues

-Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years. I've had trolls looking for you for years. None of them found you, Viva. King Peppy says

Viva was so happy that King Peppy was actually looking for her. She thought that he just abandoned her.

She runs up and hugs him

Poppy hugs both of them

-Thank you dad. Viva happily says

We cut over the Branch and his Brothers

-Wow Branch, it almost seems like yesterday that you were in diapers. John Dory says laughing

-Yeah well, we haven't seen each other in 20 years. I'm a man now. Branch says

-Speaking about being a man, when are you and Poppy going to get married, Branch? Bruce asks

-Oh yeah! When are you and Poppy going to have kids? Clay asks

Branch feels like they're rushing him to get married and to have kids.

-Guys, guys. I have no idea when we'll do any of that. I have no idea if Poppy is even up for any of that. Branch says

-Don't worry Branch. Take your time with that stuff. We'll be there for you! Floyd says

-Thanks man. Branch says

-Yeah Branch, we have your back. Clay and Bruce both say while putting a hand on Branch's shoulder

-Thanks you guys. Branch says relieved

Branch suddenly gets worried

-Wait what's the time!? Branch says, worried

-Um, About 12:00. Clay says, looking at his watch.

-Oh shoot, I'm almost late! Branch says

-Late for what? John Dory asks

-My date with Poppy. Branch says

-It's our first date and I'm going to be late. Sorry guys, I have to go. Branch says as he runs off

On Branch's way out, he hears his brothers whispering about something. He was in a hurry so he didn't really hear what they were saying

In the restaurant:

There's classical music playing with some people quietly talking and a piano playing in the background.

Poppy is waiting for Branch. She's been waiting for 40 minutes. Poppy is wearing a beautiful dress with high heels and cute earrings

Poppy's twiddling with her fingers.

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