Trolenberg Town

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That sentence made the room feel colder

-What are you going to do to me? What are you doing to my daughter? Poppy asks with tears streaming down her face

-Your daughter... Who do you think is powering the light in this room!!? Creek shouts pointing at the light

-You're in a holding cell, until she goes, and before you can replace her, you're here! Creek voice bounces off the walls as Poppy lays on the ground in tears, unable to move her legs

-Branch is going to find you! And he's going to save me! Poppy shouts, sniffling

-I have been planning this for YEARS! The only way he is going to find you... is when you're dead. Creek says crouching back down to Poppy's level

-The only way you're leaving this place... is in a body bag. Creek says sternly, standing back up.

That sentence sent fear down Poppy's spine

An uneasy quiet settles

A horrifying beeping sound fills the room

-Looks like it's your time! Creek ominously says with a scary smile on his face

Poppy's heart starts racing

-What? Poppy says, frankly looking around in fear

The cell starts filling with gas

Poppy's heart drops. She's trapped in this cell, she can't get out, even if she could get out, she can't move her legs

The gas is filling the whole room rapidly

Creek walks towards the door

Please, Creek! Please! Poppy begs, her voice desperate as she pleads for her life.

Creek remains silent, exiting the room as gas begins to fill the space. Poppy inhales sharply, holding her breath in a desperate attempt to avoid breathing in the toxic fumes.

For two excruciating minutes, she fights the overwhelming urge to breathe. The need for oxygen becomes unbearable, yet she knows inhaling the gas would have dire consequences.

Eventually, Poppy can hold her breath no longer.

Moments later, she gasps for air, drawing in the gas-filled atmosphere.

Almost instantly, darkness creeps in, and she collapses to the floor, unconscious.

Let's quickly switch back to Branch, he just arrived at the wreckage of Rhonda

Branch, walking through the woods with the wind blowing and leaves crunching at his feet with what looks like endless trees in all directions

Branch brushes a tree branch aside as he navigates through the trees; up and over a log

Branch's heart sinks as he arrives at the wreckage of Rhonda

Branch looks in horror as most of Rhonda is charred and caved in.

-Wow..." Branch says looking around at the destruction

Branch doesn't know if he'll be able to recover anything from the wreckage...

-I guess I'll start here..." Branch says, walking towards a big pile of debris

Branch lifts up a big piece of Rhonda and pushes it over, crushing more things

There's so much broken glass under it

Branch sighs

All he sees is rubble. Nothing useful to find Poppy

Trolls: Lost in HarmonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora