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🌙 ──────〔༄〕 ────── 💖

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🌙 ──────〔༄〕 ────── 💖

"And the other day, you should have seen her," Yiseul brightens up the room with her smile, "Covered in fruits, strawberries everywhere on her face and hands, staining her clothes," Yiseul giggles to herself at the image that came up from the memory, "It was such a mess!"

The laughter that follows her own is warm and cute, genuine glee resounding, the young man smiling widely, facing her. "That's so cute, though!"

Yiseul smiles, nuzzling more into the young man, enjoying his warmth and the way his arm wrapped around her, pulling her even just a little bit closer. He hums softly as they relax in the warmth of the small nest of pillows and on the couch. Yiseul inhales a distantly familiar soft, creamy citrus, and purs, "This is nice..."

"Yeah?" the voice of the young man rumbles slightly, his own comfort obvious.

"Yeah," she sighs, "I needed this."

The beautiful man with a constellation on his face grins softly, squeezing her just a little bit tighter to him, "Me, too."

Only for the blaring alarm to pull Yiseul back to consciousness.

Yiseul groans, wishing to get back to her dream.The comfort of his warm hold on her, the cuddling she yearns for, after a few years of being incredibly touch starved seems to be getting to her... With one last soft whine, Yiseul pushes herself from the comforts of her bed and begins to get ready for the day.

For years, Yiseul has had dreams where she meets this familiar stranger. She knows his name is Felix, but that's about it. He has an Australian accent to his gloriously deep voice, and he's an incredibly sweet person. She has half a mind to thank her brain for dreaming up such a wonderful fantasy. Felix is like the perfect partner, a good listener and a gentle comfort. He also is incredibly beautiful, both inside and out. His own smile seems to brighten the room, even in a dream. His presence is comfortable and soothing, and his scent is mouthwateringly addicting. A soft, subtle mix of vanilla and clementine. Like an orange creamsicle, Yiseul remembers eating with her friends on summer afternoons after class. Like the summer sunset personified.

Once she's awake, her morning routine quickly finished, Yiseul is quick to start on whipping up a quick breakfast. On today's menu, fried eggs sandwiches, with canadian bacon and cheese melted in between two pieces of toasted bread, wrapped in a paper towel in case her kids are running late this morning and need to eat it on the way to the daycare centre.

After she's finished putting the meal and their lunch boxes together, pouring them some milk and placing out some vitamins for her pups to take, Yiseul moves to the bedrooms to wake her children up, prompting them to get up and ready for the day.

Taeseong is already up, to no surprise of Yiseul's. He's dressed and seemingly already ready, reading a book he'd been hooked on for a week now. "Morning, Seongie," Yiseul purs, placing a sweet kiss to the top of his head. "Breakfast is ready, why don't you come down to eat after this last paragraph, hm?"

"Okay, Momma." Taeseong says softly, rubbing his cheek against hers in a soft scenting. The soft milk flavour pouring into the room, calm and content, to which Yiseul smiles as she lets her own apple blossom scent pervade into the air to mix with his baby scent.

Once she's done, she makes her way to the other bedroom next door in the hall, Taemi's room. She'd been surprised to find her two children in their own rooms, as they usually ended up falling asleep together in one another's bed, but perhaps Taeseong had needed his own space that night. Taemi, instead, is buried under her soft pastel yellow covers, the stitched designs of flowers and bumble bees crinkled together in the twisted blankets that formed a cocoon around her daughter.

Waking Taemi up is not quick work, but the promise of food and a new day at the daycare centre to see her friends is what gets Taemi up. Afterwards, her bright sunshine child is quick to get ready for the day, and the small family of three find their way to the dining room where their breakfasts are located, along with the rest of their belongings needed for the day ahead.

As the children eat, Yiseul is quick to braid her daughter's hair in two neat pigtails, kissing the top of her head once she's done, before instructing the children to remember to take their vitamins. Meanwhile, Yiseul takes her own in front of them as an example, before she moves to finish cleaning the sink of the dishes used.

Before they're out the door, Yiseul is scenting her twin babies, allowing her scent to stick onto them, before they're out the door to go to their daycare centre. At four years old already (sometimes she has to pause and take in that her babies are already four-years-old!), Yiseul's smart pups are already in a pre-kindergarten program at the daycare. Soon enough they'll be starting their primary education, though her Taeseong can already read, and Taemi isn't very far behind.

She waves to her children as they race inside the daycare centre, finding their favourite teacher and friends, a bright smile on her face as she lingers a moment longer to watch her beautiful babies, before making her way out to do some errands. Grocery shopping is a calm affair for the most part (other than trying to fight some of the other shoppers to get to some of the items on sale, as it was on a time limit), and so is the small errand to the pharmacy for some of the over-the-counter prescriptions that needed filling.

It's once she's home that the happy, content facade crumbles. Greeted with a large, empty house is hard, even harder today especially. She stifles her cries as she sits in front of the small altar, a picture of her former mate sits with a small box of his ashes, and some incense that she lights. It's a poor imitation of his scent, but the incense is enough of a likeness to her former husband that she can't bite back the cries that fall from her lips, tears falling freely now that she's alone.

"I miss you so much, Jamie," Yiseul cries into her hands, trying to calm herself down. She sniffles, wiping at her tears, smiling into the framed photo of her lost love, "The babies are getting so big, you'd be so happy and proud to see them now. Our little Taeseong can read, and they're not even in kindergarten yet! And our Taemi takes after you so much, brightening the room with her smiles and laughter. She makes friends so easily. They're both such delights."

Eventually, she knows she must move on with her day, and so she places a small kiss on the framed photo, whispering, "We all miss you so much, my dear."

🌙 ──────〔༄〕 ────── 💖

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Hope you all enjoy!

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