Chapter 22 :Trouble at Marineford

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POV: Smoker

Location: G5 Headquarters

Smoker's office at G5 exuded a stern atmosphere. Vice Admiral Viergo requested his presence via Den Den Mushi. Smoker approached the meeting without enthusiasm, anticipating news that could further upset the unit's precarious balance. He knew from experience that each meeting with his superior was synonymous with great upheavals for the G5 unit.

Taking his role as a Marine officer seriously, Smoker strode to his commanding officer's office. In front of the door, he was astonished to see it wide open.

A strong presentiment accompanied each visit to this office, without ever knowing its origin. Perhaps the atmosphere in the office was the reason for this uneasiness. Despite his time at G5, Smoker couldn't fathom how his superior functioned in such a dimly lit office.

Thick curtains prevented the slightest ray of sunlight from entering the almost empty room. No personal effects and no decorations were inside. Only the bare minimum provided by the Navy: a low-end wooden shelf and a desk common to all officers.

At the back of the room, Smoker saw a figure gradually rising.

"Commodore Smoker, come in."

Smoker, his expression closed, walks through the door with the firmness characteristic of his authority. Vice Admiral Viergo, behind his desk, stared at Smoker with apparent calm, aware of the colonel's reluctance to accept abrupt changes.

"Vice Admiral Viergo, you have requested my presence. What is the reason for this summons?"

As Smoker stared directly into his superior's eyes and noticed the hesitation, he immediately understood that the forthcoming news would displease him.

"Commodore Smoker, the Marine has decided to assign Captain Tanya Degurechaff to G5. She will be placed under your command for the unit recovery mission."

Smoker narrowed his eyes, expressing clear reserve. "Why her, and why now?" he asked, showing his skepticism about this decision.

He vividly recalled his initial encounter with the young girl during the evaluation. Although she had demonstrated unprecedented and unexplained combat abilities, this young girl remained an anomaly in the ranks of the Marine. A shiver ran down his spine as he recalled the cold, emotionless look she had given to the unfortunate soldier who confronted her. A cold, emotionless look like a machine could have done simply applying the orders given to it...

Vice Admiral Viergo, surely aware of the need to explain in detail, began to list the reasons behind Tanya's choice.

"The Marine is convinced that Captain Degurechaff has essential strategic expertise and combat experience necessary for the G5. Furthermore, I will not teach you anything by telling you that the abuses of the G5 have very seriously damaged the image of the Marine among citizens. Leveraging the image of the new heroine could open up new possibilities for us".

"Her expertise is unquestionable, but the G5 unit doesn't require an icon solely adept at serving as a mascot for the public. Having already met the captain for the first time, I can assure you that she will not be compatible with my unit."

His superior's face remained impassive, but having spent some time around him, Smoker knew his superior was growing impatient. The fact that he removed a small piece of meat stuck in his beard, was a clear sign of his impatience. "Commodore, the Marine is convinced that its presence will not be limited to an administrative role or an icon. It intends to immerse itself in the daily life of the G5, to work hand in hand with the soldiers on the field to restore discipline and efficiency."

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