Chapter 1

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DogDay's POV:

I was awoken to my bedside alarm clock going off, it was annoying, just like every other day when it goes off. I smack it, causing it to stop. "Shit, did I break it?" I thought. I looked on the floor beside my bed and picked it up, still intact and functional. "Thank god, Dr. Amieriz spent a lot of money on this, and the fact that she bought all of us critters one too." I then actually saw the numbers on the clock saying 6:30 AM. "Time to get up, DogDay. You've got a long day ahead of you."

After I took my morning shower and ate breakfast, I realized that Dr. Amieriz texted me before I got up. It read:

"I've got exciting news for you and the other critters! This news also reveals what's being built in your dome. Come to my lab at 7:20 AM to hear it."

"So after all this time we finally get to know what was being built next to my house, interesting." I thought. Every morning when I get up it's either from construction right next door or it's from my alarm going off. Either way, it's right next to my head.

A little after 7 AM, I see all the other critters leaving their houses, acting very excited to see the text Dr. Amieriz sent to us all, especially Hoppy and Bobby, they looked like they were energized enough to jump to the moon.

"Hey guys! I guess you also got a text from Amieriz?" I asked the others. "We did DogDay! I guess we all did seeing how excited the others are." Crafty replied, confirming the question. "Well, let's go then so we aren't late." I told the others, causing them to follow behind me.

. . .

Once we arrived at Dr. Amieriz's lab, she was looking very excited. "Good, you're on time! I'm very excited to announce the news to you!" Dr. Amieriz said with a big smile. "Well, we're waiting." I said to her, and then she calmed herself down a bit before saying, "Alright then, here it goes. After about a week and a half of training, I'm glad to announce the newest member of the Smiling Critters!" "Wait, what?! A new member?! This is HUGE news!! Oh my goodness!!" I thought. I could see on the others faces that they probably had the same reaction I had, except Hoppy looked like she was about to explode in excitement.

"I'd like to introduce you to the newest Smiling Critter, CatNap!" Dr. Amieriz said, opening a door on the side of the room. The room was filled with black, nothing and nobody in sight, until a purple hand grabbed the doorframe, followed by half of a purple head. It was a purple cat. "Come on CatNap, they won't hurt you. They're your new friends!" Amieriz said, encouraging CatNap to emerge from the door. CatNap finally revealed himself.

"H-hi there. I-I'm CatNap, and my role h-here at P-Playcare is to help the kids g-go to sleep." CatNap said shyly and quietly. We all then introduced ourselves and left together. I could tell he was quickly getting less shy and more comfortable with us.

"So, CatNap, what's your favorite hobby?" Bobby asked him. "Uhh, I don't think I actually have one. So, I guess my role here?" CatNap replied. "WHAT?! YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?! Well listen here new friend, before this day ends I'll make sure you have a hobby." Hoppy said, full of energy. "Alright then." CatNap replied.

For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of CatNap. The sun's rays glistening and sparkling on his fur, his beautiful eyes, the way he walked and talked and his tail moving as he did. Was it because I was growing closer to him or was it because he was new? I couldn't really decide because I was too focused on him.

"Earth to DogDay, are you in there?" Crafty said to me as she waved her hoof in front of my eyes. "Oh, sorry Crafty, heh. I guess I got a little distracted. Did you need something?" I asked her. "You were zoned out BIG time. Anyway, half of us already went to the orientation area where they'll be introducing CatNap, so we should go too." Crafty stated. "Oh, okay. See you there!" "You're not coming?" "No, I will. Just gonna show CatNap something first." "Oh, okay. See you soon DogDay!"

Crafty and the others left to go to the orientation area and I took CatNap to a different area nearby. "So, where're you taking me?" CatNap asked me. "Somewhere only us critters can access. Well, also certain staff since they work in that specific category." I replied.

I ended up taking him to the bar that only us critters can access, but certain staff are allowed to enter because they work there. "Wow, this place looks fancy. Like, look at the neon lights put up everywhere, there's a jukebox over there, damn! This looks like a five star reviewed restaurant owned by a trillionaire!" CatNap said in excitement. "I know, just wait until you see what they serve!" I said. "Can't wait! Also, are we supposed to be somewhere else right now?" I finally remembered, I forgot because I was too eager to show CatNap the bar. "Oh shit! Thanks for reminding me CatNap! Let's go!" I said as I grabbed his soft, warm, fluffy hand and pulled him with me until we reached the orientation area's backstage. We arrived nearly two minutes early.

"Damn, we were almost late. Thanks again for reminding me CatNap!" I thanked him. "Anytime DogDay!" He replied, starting to look a little nervous. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I asked CatNap.

CatNap's POV:

I was nervous because I was afraid that the children wouldn't like me. "Oh, just a little worried how the children would react to me." I said to DogDay. "Oh, yeah. I remember when it was just me and nobody else. I was the first of the critters. Yeah, I was pretty nervous on how they'd react to me. The kids love me now! The kids were happy with all of us. So saying this, it should go the same for you too. There's nothing to worry about!" He said to me.

There was something about DogDay that made me feel safe and loved, like he was the energy that moved my body. Seeing him here telling me this made all my worries fade. "Okay, thanks DogDay." I said, feeling a lot better. I have this red smoke that I can exhale, one of the ways that I can let it out is if I get too nervous or if I have a panic attack. The only two other ways is if I let it out myself or if I haven't let it out in about a week or two it comes out on its own. So now that I'm calm, I shouldn't accidentally release it.

After a few minutes I saw DogDay gesture to me. "I guess it's time." I thought, taking a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. "Now listen here kids, listen up! I'm happy to announce we have... A NEW SMILING CRITTER!!" DogDay shouted at the last part. I did a couple more deep breaths and stepped into the spotlight.

"Hey kids! I'm CatNap! I'm the newest member of the Smiling Critters!" I said to the kids. "CatNap's here to make sure that you kiddos go to bed on time and not have any scary dreams, isn't that wonderful?" DogDay said to the kids, then continued, "He'll read you your favorite stories, have activities before..."

I looked off in the distance, zoning out, and my hearing became muffled. I could barely hear what DogDay was saying now. I saw a few people staring at me, whispering at one another without taking their eyes off me. Not just any people though, they were the orphans, heck, even the employees. I started to hyperventilate a little, my heart began to beat faster, I think I started to sweat a little. Everything started to spin, I felt a little dizzy.

My attention was then caught by an orphan tapping on my foot, I looked at them. "Mr. Kitty, what's that red stuff coming out of your mouth?" They asked. "OH SHIT!!!" I screamed in my head. I ran off stage, then outside. "Good, nobody's here." I thought. I crouched down, one knee on the ground and my hand on the other. I let out my smoke and tried to calm down. I still felt dizzy, so I sat down with my legs facing forward and my arms and hands behind my back, propping me up. Once all my smoke was released, I felt a little light headed. I decided to visit the bar DogDay showed me and get a drink, maybe it would help. On my way there, DogDay ran up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"Oh, hey DogDay. Sorry about what happened back at the orientation area, I was starting to freak out. I bet the orphans hate me now." I said to DogDay. "You did nothing wrong. It was your first time in front of the kiddos and I can understand that. It was you, me, and an army of children. I can understand why you panicked." DogDay said back.

I could feel his words make me feel a little better. Then it was there again, the feeling I get while I'm around him. My heart started to race, but it wasn't panic or anxiety. It felt good, I felt good, very good.

Words: 1608

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