Third Person Pov

He walked out of the Café into his car and drove off thinking about the pretty lady with the pastry obsession
He smiled softly thinking about her

He drove to his brother's club
Well one of his brothers anyways
He had four
He was the oldest and as such had taken over his father's companies

He walked right into Khayas office without knocking
"Fucking rude ass,Knock hawu"
Khaya playfully chastised him..
"Awume wena what am I knocking for?
It's not like I'd walk into anything you don't have no hoes"he said as he sat down and pulled out a cigar lighting it up..
"See what I mean when I say he's rude?!"Khaya went on
"I found her"

"I beg your finest pardon?!"
"Shut up I said I found her"
"Found who?"
"Are you playing stupid or are you stupid?"
"Bear with me"Khaya sulked playfully

Sakhile shook his head
"Fucking idiot"
"I found my wife"

"Oh mi goshhhhh
You found someone to bear with your rude ass"
"Where is she? I wanna see her"Khaya got up looking around

"Sit down you moron
I haven't... uhhhh" He scratched his neck nervously

Khaya howled with laughter he had never seen his brother nervous before
This woman really had him by the balls..

"When are we meeting umakoti?"
(Your bride)

"When the time is right she'll be here now shut up ungenza ikhanda nx"
(You're giving me a headache)

Khaya continued howling in utter disbelief that his brother casually fell for someone so quickly

He was worried for the poor woman too as Sakhile was never gentle even as a young boy, he had always been this way
He knew though that from the way that he was reacting that she could actually change him..

Sakhile finding someone was not something any of the brothers thought would happen..
He had only been in one relationship before but that's a story for another day
He never seemed to be interested in relationships after her..

Seeing him like this made him happy in a way and all he hoped was that the woman understood what kind of people they are and hopefully accept Sakhile as he is..

He'd be devastated if not
But Sakhile has a good eye
He'd know a woman who'd be able to love him and accept him...

As much as Khaya laughed at seeing his brother being so nervous
His heart was filled with warmth at the fact that Sakhile might have found the one for him
He remembered how nervous and shaky he had been when he met his wife Mandy
He felt that Sakhile had found the one as he had acted the exact way that he had when he met Mandy..

Each of the brothers had a lot of love to give just in different ways but when they fall in love they fall hard and immediately..

Thinking of his Gorgeous wife
He texted her

Hey beautiful
How are you and how is my son treating you?

Hey handsome
Well I'm okay your son is showing me flames though I've peed for the millionth time today I'm tired and I'm hungry and I miss you and you don't love me because why aren't you here?!?!?!

She was 5 months pregnant with a baby boy..
Heavily emotional and always tired and hungry
Khaya absolutely adored her

Hawu Sthandwa Sam
I'm sorry for not being there
I'll be right over and I'll get you food
Ngyakthanda Ndlovukazi
Now what would my queen like to eat today?

She giggled happily kicking her feet up and rubbing her belly
She truly adored him as much as he did her..



I finished off all the work I had to do other than my assignment and all I've done was eat my pastries and smile thinking about the man from the Café
There was just something about him
His manners?
It must have been that I just love how respectful he was and he didn't get weirded out by me openly gaping at him..

I just know a guy like him wouldn't want me anyways
He was just being nice yeah?
Yeah he was being polite
The pastries don't mean anything..

I sat there in my small apartment building thinking about him..

I couldn't even call my best friend to vent about him because knowing the kind of person that she is
She'd probably stalk him until she found him then make me talk to him and tell him I find him attractive

She's always been straightforward and assertive I'm not too sure I'd appreciate it right now

Awume Imi there's no guarantee that'd you'd ever see this man again anyways..

I sigh loudly
The apartment was empty Imi had no roommates
She lived alone in a two bedroom apartment uptown
It was in a pretty good neighborhood but it just got really quiet and lonely sometimes..

I need to get out of my comfort zone and do something
She thought in the words of her best friend

"What's the craziest thing I can do right now?"
She thought aloud
I'm going clubbing tonight
I'll text Lamani and tell her my plans for the night
She'd be so proud of me
She chuckled getting up to go find an outfit..

She quickly texted lamani before she'd chicken out and not go..

We're really doing this tonight...


I come backkk

I'm standing on bidness these days🗣


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