why me ?

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Jungkook and Yuna sat on a bench in the park, the sun casting a warm glow around them. Yuna turned to Jungkook with a smile, her eyes twinkling.

"Jungkook, I have something to ask you," Yuna said, her voice filled with excitement.

Jungkook looked at her, his heart fluttering at the sight of her smile. "What is it, Yuna?"

Yuna took a deep breath. "Well, you know our anniversary is coming up, and I was thinking... could you get me a gift?"

Jungkook's mind raced. He wanted to give Yuna something special, something that showed her how much he cared. "Of course, Yuna. I'll get you something wonderful, something handmade with lots of love."

Yuna's smile faltered slightly. "Oh, Jungkook, that's sweet of you, but... I was actually hoping for something a bit more... expensive."

Jungkook felt a pang of disappointment. He knew money was tight, especially with his part-time job barely covering his expenses. But he didn't want to disappoint Yuna.

"I understand, Yuna. I'll try to save up some money and get you something nice," Jungkook said, forcing a smile.

Yuna's face lit up again. "Thank you, Jungkook! I knew you'd understand. I can't wait to see what you get me!"

As they sat in the park, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He wanted to make Yuna happy, but at what cost? And deep down, he knew that no matter how expensive the gift, it could never erase the pain and bruises of his past

At Jeon mansion

Jungkook held the door gate his hands trembling as he entered he was greeted by a tight slap .
"Where were you asshole!" His stepmother asked. Jungkook was so scared to look up , he just did one thing and that was trembling on the floor. Mrs. Shin aka Mrs .Jeon bent down and held on jungkook locks pulling his hairs "ahh! Eo-"
"You shit ! Wtf you said ?" She said pressing against jungkook Adam apple. Making tears breaming down his red yet pale cheeks .
"You fucking shit! Go do those shitty dishes !" And she left jungkook sobs got stuck in his throat and he ran inside

Jungkook was putting washing gel on the scrubber,and he was currently in thoughts what to give Yuna and didn't noticed his gel is dripping down . Mr.jeon saw it his blood bolied he came near to jungkook and slapped him . Jungkook came out of thoughts. Mr Jeon took the plate from sink and threw them on jungkook feets . The plates scatter down ,some hurting jungkook making him whimper in pain .

Mr Jeon took the bowl and threw it on jungkook head .
He came and pulled jungkook hairs "where were you bastard ! You thing it came for free or its is useless like your existence"
"I'm sorry!" Jungkook said crying
Mr Jeon ( his father , his mother is his aunt)
He held jungkook's tshirt dragging jungkook with himself. "Please appa! No not there plzzz!" Jungkook said crying tears and blood stain his face .

He opened the bathroom door and threw jungkook in bath tub . He held jungkook's face making him drove. Jungkook breaths started feeling slow . Jungkook scratches his hand to let him go but nothing atlast. He pulled out jungkook.

He looked how sexy jungkook curves looks, making him fuck able.
He pull him close to himself.
"Will you love satisfy atlast your bisexual"
Jungkook eyes widened in fears.
"Appa! No- n -i no "
"Ok! Fuck off ! Go get urself medicine you shit !"

And jungkook ran off .

Jungkook stumbled into the medical store, his forehead bleeding, his feet sore, and his clothes dripping wet

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Jungkook stumbled into the medical store, his forehead bleeding, his feet sore, and his clothes dripping wet. The employees looked at him with a mix of concern and confusion.

"Are you a beggar?" one of them asked, eyeing Jungkook's torn and dirty clothes. "But you don't look like one."

Jungkook looked up, his eyes filled with pain. "I'm Jeon Jungkook," he replied softly, his voice barely audible.

The keeper was shocked but could see that Jungkook was in desperate need of help. He quickly gathered some supplies and offered them to Jungkook for free.

"Here, take these," the keeper said, handing Jungkook bandages and antiseptic. "And let me get you something to eat. You look thin and pale."

Jungkook accepted the supplies gratefully, his hands trembling. As he ate, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, there were still good people in the world who were willing to help him in his time of need.

Jungkook stood in the medical store, feeling a mix of exhaustion and gratitude. Namjoon's kindness was a ray of light in the darkness that had become his life. He looked at Namjoon, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and hope.

"I'm Kim Namjoon," the keeper said, his voice warm and reassuring. "This is my brother's shop, and I work here part-time. You can come here anytime you want after 8 in the evening."

Jungkook nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, hyungie," he replied softly, the word slipping out almost instinctively.

Namjoon's heart went out to Jungkook. He could see the physical and emotional toll that life had taken on the young man standing before him. He wanted to offer more than just bandages and antiseptic. He wanted to offer comfort and support.

"Take care of yourself, Jungkook. And remember, you're always welcome here," Namjoon said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Jungkook felt a lump form in his throat. It had been so long since someone had shown him such kindness. He nodded, unable to find the words to express his gratitude.

As Jungkook left the shop, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things would get better. And as he walked away, he knew that he had found a friend in Namjoon, someone who would be there for him when he needed it most.

Here's the extended scene with Mrs. Jeon being more rude:


Jungkook arrived home, clutching the packet of medicine tightly in his hand. He knew his eomma, Mrs. Jeon, wouldn't be happy about him spending money on himself, but he had no choice. His health was deteriorating, and he needed the medicine to get better.

As soon as he walked through the door, Mrs. Jeon's eyes fell on the packet in his hand. Her face twisted with anger.

"What's this?" she demanded, snatching the packet from him.

Jungkook flinched at her harsh tone. "It's medicine, eomma. I needed it," he explained, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Medicine?" Mrs. Jeon scoffed. "And who's going to pay for it? We barely have enough to get by, and you're wasting money on yourself?"

Jungkook felt a pang of guilt. He knew his eomma was struggling to make ends meet, but his health was important too. "I-I'm sorry, eomma. I'll try to find a way to pay for it," he said quietly.

Mrs. Jeon's eyes narrowed. "You're always sorry, aren't you? Sorry for being a burden, sorry for being alive."

Jungkook's heart sank at her words. He knew his eomma didn't love him, but he never imagined she hated him this much.

"Clean up this mess," she ordered, gesturing to the broken plates on the floor. "And don't you dare waste any more money on useless things."

Jungkook nodded silently, his eyes downcast. As he began to clean up the broken plates, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness. No matter what he did, it would never be enough for his eomma.

 No matter what he did, it would never be enough for his eomma

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