Cp 9 bishop of greed vs sukuna/ unknown variable

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before we start i want to say thanks for 6k reads also that in the next couple chapters a lot of lore is going to be disclosed so make sure to keep a look out for that and once again who do you think is going to win





right now we see a stand off with a angry witch cultist and a certain king of curses with sukuna asking amused

Sukuna: Oh~ and why do you think I care for your rights?

regulus was mad to say the least but was ordered by pandora-sama to come here and kill a person with pink hair which now knowing he found him he was going to give him a excruciating  death for violating his rights but he calmed down and asked

Regulus: May I ask before I start giving you the worst death imaginable for violating my rights what is your name?

Sukuna smirked

Sukuna: Yuji itadori and yours? ( that child has multiple souls in him with also that hungry look, little was known about gluttony so this could be him so I am giving him a fake name until I know if my theory was right or not)

Regulus smiled

Regulus: My name is regulus archbishop of greed and right beside me is archbishop of gluttony lye-

before he could continue lye rushed sukuna he couldn't contain himself anymore he could sense all of sukuna's power or more accurately 10 present of it and wanted it all he starving for someone like him. He appeared in front of sukuna which sukuna used on of his four hands to block what ever was coming only to get touch and the child jumps back to regulus

Lye: hehe checkmate... Yuji Itadori 

lye expecting to get all of his powers and to leave him a empty shell gets shocked when he vomited and couldn't stop and sukuna smirked while regulus looked shocked and looked at sukuna with malice. not wasting time to yell at him now looking at him he could tell whatever this creature was is very strong though he thought he was stronger so he picks up some dirt and chucks it at sukuna which confused him but shocked him when it connected on his hand and blew it off

Regulus: *smirks* where was all that talk creature first you kill my pet, second you make me come all the way out here, you lie to me, and lastly you hurt a friend of mine!

Though to his shock sukuna smiles and regenerates his hand and releases 10 percent of his aura which makes regulus take a step back

Sukuna: I meant what I said but I am in a good mood so I will humor you

sukuna took the first move this time and apeared infront of him with regulus using his authority stillness of a object and makes a barrier which makes sukuna's fist stop moving towards him which makes sukuna jump back and land 10 feet away with regulus trying to understand what happened only to come to the conclusion he has to take this fight seriously and go all out to survive

Sukuna: *frowns* (How many people have barriers similar to satoru gojo!! No matter I understand his way easier the way my fist stopped met he stopped time which is different to satoru gojos)

Sukuna summoned mahoraga wheel and attached it to his head

Sukuna summoned mahoraga wheel and attached it to his head

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