The handshake

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Who am I,

to reach a soul,

To invade the ironic sanctity,

Of their personal space,

Regardless of their current life decisions?

What gives me the authority,

To assume,

I am sent to pierce,

Question their choices,

Their convictions,


At any moment in time?

Such an arrogant farce,

A misconception thought by many,

Born from noble intentions,

And yet,

In the purest form,

As sense of selfishness.

Who am I to pursue,

To persuade those around me,

To convince them,

To follow my ways,

MY convictions,

MY beliefs,

If I don't even know,


Anything about them,

Who they are,

In presence of others,

In private...

And by themselves.

These three are not the same.

How can I connect with a soul,

So different,

Born of such diverging circumstances,

Such unknown hardship,

Unrevealed routines,

Customs hidden,

To the naked eye,

Born from merciless free will,

Instilled by our very God upon this world,

As a free will vice.

To preach his word I am sent,

That much I believe to know...


Who am I?

To believe,

What I believe

Takes precedence,

Over what others do?

My self-awareness plagues me,

I steer in its behest,

Only in the direction,

That my ever-growing mind allows.

How can I Judge those who hate?

If they have a reason to,

How can I convince a man,

To follow God,

If I feel farther that them from him?

Am I fit to be such a messenger?

Am I adequate to lead by example?

Is what I wish to say,

That important?


Who can I reach?

If everyone has their own north star,

If everyone,

In life's constantly moving circumstances,

Has found happiness,

With or without my beliefs.

Who am I to say?

True happiness starts the way,

I, was taught?


Why should I convince someone,

To change their ways?

If amongst their days,

Living free willed purpose,

They smile,

They laugh,

They walk in glee.

Is it truly as simple?

I went right,

They went left,

And yet,

No sadness,

No sense of loss,

I see fulfillment in their eyes,

A happy life,

Next to the ones they love,

Finding purpose,

And sanctuary,

In the way they choose to live,

And I choose to accept.

And so...

Who the fuck am I?

To judge a soul,

Living its life as it wants?

I am nothing special.

We are the same.

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