"Tune Jo Na Kaha"

309 21 13

Manik was standing at the bar counter, a strong drink in hand, observing the partygoers. Arjun and Aditya, noticing Manik's cold demeanor, approached him cautiously.

Arjun cleared his throat and spoke first, "Manik, it's been a while. How have you been?"

Manik glanced at them with a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "I've been managing, as always," he replied curtly.

Aditya jumped in, eager to strike a conversation, "We were just reminiscing about our past encounters in London. Remember when we almost closed that business deal together?"

Manik's expression remained stoic as he nodded. "Yes, I remember. However, that deal never materialized, thanks to unforeseen circumstances."

Arjun leaned in, trying to gauge Manik's reaction, "We've been trying to reconnect with our Indian roots, and in the process, we've come across some familiar names. Do you happen to know someone named Nikhil?"

Manik's demeanor shifted slightly, his eyes narrowing. "Nikhil? Why do you ask?"

Arjun hesitated for a moment before replying, "We've been searching for someone with that name, and we thought you might have some information."

Manik's guard was up now. "I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Nikhil is not someone I associate with."

Aditya chimed in, "But we heard he has some connection to your family. We're just trying to piece things together."

Manik's tone remained icy. "Some connections are best left in the past. If you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

With that, Manik turned away, leaving Arjun and Aditya with unanswered questions and a lingering sense of tension between them.

As Manik walked away from the bar with a cold demeanor, lost in his own thoughts, he accidentally collided with Naina, who was walking towards him. The sudden impact made Naina lose her balance, and she stumbled backward, nearly falling. In a split second, Manik reacted, swiftly reaching out and catching her by the arm, preventing her from hitting the ground.

"Careful," Manik said with concern, steadying Naina on her feet. His quick reflexes had saved her from an embarrassing fall. However, in the process of preventing Naina's fall, the glass of water she was carrying splashed onto Manik's shirt, leaving a noticeable wet patch on the fabric.

Naina looked up at Manik with gratitude, "Thank you, Manik. I almost tripped there."

Manik waved it off casually, "No problem, just watch your step next time."

Naina smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry about your shirt. Let me help you dry it off."

"It's fine, Naina, don't worry about it," Manik replied, trying to brush it off nonchalantly, although he couldn't help but feel a bit irritated at the inconvenience.

Naina felt a pang of discomfort as Manik mentioned her name. She couldn't pinpoint why hearing her name from him had this effect on her, but she pushed the feeling aside, not wanting to dwell on it. Instead, she focused on the practical matter at hand and offered to help dry Manik's shirt.

"Let me help you dry your shirt, Manik," Naina said, trying to sound casual despite the slight unease she felt.

Manik nodded in agreement, grateful for her offer. "Sure, that would be great."

Naina led Manik to Nikhil's room, knowing it was unoccupied at the moment. She handed him a towel from the nearby cupboard, gesturing towards the bathroom. "You can use the bathroom to dry your shirt. I'll wait here."

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