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•|How The Moon lost it's light|•

The eclipse disappearing
A hole in my galaxy
The shine of the shimmer
On the shimmering stars
Walking to escape multi-universe

A hole of light
It smiled down
Tell to the stars
You better lie down

Tears of light
Glitters of twinkles
The stars cried
Why can't I go outside?

The moon said
I thought you said you love me
You said I'm beautiful to you
But now that you're close to me
You're using me to let go of me

I lost my shine and gave it to you
All for the sake of three words
'I love you'

Stars defended,
No it's not that way
You need to cheat to move on for the better
As they say...

If I thought like you...
Would've never gotten with you
The way love's a choice
and above all
I chose you

I thought love get's you love
Guess love get's you pain
But I believe life is about
What you give not what you gain

So I won't restrain you
My light is yours
My shine is yours
Take everything off of me
Everything you could gain

The way I'm so okay with this pain
The pain of love
The way I'm in love with you
The way I love you so much


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