Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

"Well, that's not going to look good on our record here," I scratched the back of my head before noticing my blade next to the dead guard, leaning against the wall. I grabbed it and set it behind my back. "Good to have you back," I added with a smile.

"We need to leave town for a while," Frieren suggested calmly.

"I agree. With the guard dead, we'd be prime suspects and likely sentenced to death. The thing is, how will we conceal ourselves?" I concurred, scanning the area for a means of concealment. My gaze fell upon a rack of simple prisoner's cloaks nearby. "These will suffice," I decided, tossing one to Frieren and draping one over myself. She blended in seamlessly, but my conspicuous and monstrous sword remained a glaring issue. "My sword sticks out like a red dragon in a green forest,"

"It seems I can teach you something," Frieren remarked, her expression now one of mild amusement and interest.

"And that is?" I inquired, curious about her suggestion.

"You need to learn how to manifest and unmanifest your weapon at will, using mana," she explained patiently, demonstrating the skill up close with her own staff. As I watched, I couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy, realizing that this was a skill I had neglected to acquire despite my many years of combat experience.

I nodded to her before saying, "Alright," and kneeled a bit to her level, holding my sword flat in my hands in front of me.

"It's very simple," she started. "First, you need to imagine your sword as pure mana," the elf instructed. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the thought of my sword, not as a solid object, but as pure mana. "Now, absorb that mana," she continued. Slowly, I felt my swords physical weight leave my hands entirely and sensed a magical weight enter my body, as if I've stored it inside of my person. I opened my eyes to see the sword gone, and Frieren with a slight smile. "Now, do the opposite," she finished. I followed her instructions, imagining my sword transitioning from mana to steel, and it appeared in my hands once more. "Good. You're a quick learner. It'll come faster naturally as you practice more," she assured me.

I stood up and began practicing a bit, getting a better feel for the technique. "Thank you. I'll return the favor some day,"

"There's no need," she replied.

"Well, that's too bad," I gave her a smirk before toning my self down. "Now, shall we be off?" I pulled the cloak's hood over my head as Frieren did the same, nodding with a hum. We left the prison and walked among the crowd, nobody suspecting anything. The air was cooler than when we arrived, as the sun was now setting.

As we traversed the streets, both Frieren and I spotted Stark and Fern approaching us, oblivious to our identities. Maintaining our composure, we passed them without drawing attention. Suddenly, Fern halted and turned back, catching sight of us. "Excuse me," she called out. We paused briefly before resuming our stride. Yet, Fern swiftly closed the distance and blocked our path. "That is you, isn't it?" she inquired. Frieren glanced up at her apprentice and subtly gestured toward the adjacent alleyway. Without hesitation, we moved into its shadows, ensuring our conversation remained concealed from the townsfolks view and hearing.

"Aren't you two supposed to be in jail?" Stark had his arms crossed, clearly perplexed about the situation.

"Please don't tell me that you broke out." Fern said with concern. Frieren and I removed our hoods.

"We didn't have much choice in the matter. A demon named Draht came down to our cell trying to execute me," Frieren left out the part of my dying and returning, likely given that the two do not yet know of my curse. "And though we took care of the issue, when demons die, they turn into mana particles and vanish," the elf explained.

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