Chapter 14

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(Sorry I didn't upload yesterday. WATTPAD FUCKING HATES ME, THEY DIDN'T EVEN PUBLISH THIS CHAPTER😭💀 anyways. There will be a lil surprise at the end of this chapter so it you guys would love to do it. You can)

CatNap sang the song along with Boxy, he hasn't felt so... A part of something in a while. He never knew that someone that so many feared. Was also there long lost friends.. everybody! He kept singing along slowly walking away, Boxy's voice slowly disappearing into the hallway ambience. Then, it ended. Everything went silent except for a small buzz from the hallway ceiling lights. It was silent, quiet. Maybe even sad... But no, he had to go over his emotions. He has school! He wouldn't want to miss another day.. he had already over slept many times! He promised himself he wouldn't be late again. He slowly walked to his right and sadly sighed, he crunched up the plastic bag that he had and just held it in his hand. He walked down the empty halls.. paint disappearing, the walls and ceilings were falling apart slowly even with the repairs Player has done.. it seemed like everyday was the same, like nothing was gonna change. He gets interrupted by another piece of paper with his foot. Why is there so much papers and posters on the floor..? He didn't mind that, he picked it up and sighed. His ears perked up as he swiftly moves his tail. It was a note from DogDay! He made this so he wouldn't get lost and to be safe.

Dear CatNap,
I made this note for you so you wouldn't get lost good friend! Heh, more like buddies. Any who, I know this may be a piece of paper but how are you doing? You sound pretty annoyed. Maybe sad? I think your stressed.. Maybe we can chat at the train. I'd like to actually know how you're doing.

I know these halls may be scary and long but, I know you can do it! Luckily I tracked my steps so you don't get lost. Here, Take these coordinates and you'll get to the trian station! I'll be waiting here, take the time you need. Not to much.. You know how Miss Delight is when people are late.

From your friend, DogDay!




CatNap looked at the bottom of the letter and it showed some arrows. He was so grateful and happy he had a friend like DogDay, not somebody to discrimate or get offended by his look. He is a nice friend, why is he so. Kind? He felt off, he never really gets to many talks with anyone. He always stays at that tree at Playcare...

CatNap walked down the halls, nothing too crazy happened. The very distorted low jazz that played from the old speakers took over the room. It was weird listening to a song he heard 30 years ago.. it replayed the same song over and over and over. It never gets tiring, jazz to him sooth him off. He is always annoyed or stressed. He hated loud noises or noises in general. He purred softly as he felt his fur tingle a bit, he moved his tail up so it wouldn't drag dirt from the floor. He saw many posters of what he saw back at the Game Station. He didn't remember these posters at all from back when he was a small child. When, well, 'The Hour of Joy' happened, it was in spring. Not winter... Maybe this place went untouched with no employees. That's his best answer he can come up with.

He put his paw onto his chest and sighed. "Man.. I didn't even get to eat-" he whimpered slightly as he countinued to walk. His grumbles from his stomach were so annoying he couldn't even hear the jazz playing in the back. He was starving from all that sleep he got yesterday. He'll definitely eat at lunchtime at the school.

☀️Sunset Shining in You...🌙 - DogDay X CatNap (Updated Frequently)Where stories live. Discover now