Chapter 3 : A Unslightly Destination

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I open my eyes abruptly. I grab my guitar and start walking out of this open, deserted field. Moving a big stone with my bare hands and walking through the exit. I wonder in the future, will anyone find this place? I found this place after falling into a ditch by accident. As soon as I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, a vast plain was in view. I made it my 'little' hideout. I walk past gems of all kinds, another hidden masterpiece that no one will know about. I moved another rock leading through another hallway of stone. It takes about 2 hours just to leave the site. Then, about another 3 hours to get home. 5 hours in total.

I finally reached my destination around 7:39pm. I walked passed a big sign saying,'caution you don't know what you're dealing with'. A sign I made for my workshop. I sometimes feel sorry for my neighbors, all of the explosions after tinkering with random gadgets that I create every now and then. As I passed the workshop, I found myself walking through my home. A smooth, rich black greats my view. When I first moved in, I decided to paint my entire house black and gold. A fresh scent of linen greets my nostrils. It was a scent, I picked out because I hate very potent smells. The house was so clean that you could practically eat off the floors literally. A modern, yet traditional japanese stylized home.

Well, my dream home. When I open my eyes, I'm greeted by broken floor boards. Still a light linen smell. Unfinished walls, scattered tools. I sigh in defeat. I walk up to my bed, which has a spring popping out of it again.

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