Page 2: Road to The Capital

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(A/n) Fun fact, Ater's name means black in Latin

A hours has passed after taking out the two former magic knights, and Ater receiving his grimoire and currently, Father Oris and Sister were in the Grimoire Tower, in the Tower Master's office.

Father Oris: Now, Yuno and Ater I can understand, especially Ater. But encouraging Asta to take the exam really, are you certain?

Tower Master: We'll why not? He insisted on taking it so what else should I do.

Sister Lily: ....

Tower Master: We have some other promising youngsters, but unfortunately it appears that they had a change of heart.

Father Oris: Okay, Ater and Yuno I understand. But does Asta really have a chance?

Tower Master: Well, he insisted on taking it so what else should I do?

Father Oris: Ater and Yuno, I can understand, but I don't see the point in Asta going too.

Tower Master: Yes well, he insisted on taking it so what else should I do?

Oh I see the problem here, you're going to be lonely when Asta leaves to the Capital aren't you?

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Oh I see the problem here, you're going to be lonely when Asta leaves to the Capital aren't you?

Sister Lily: That so sweet father.

Father Oris: He's totally off the mark, it's just that if Asta if going to fail anyway, wouldn't be better to not to take it in the first place? And the little ones, they're miss him terribly I'm sure. This isn't about me, I'm just thinking of the children that's all.

Sister Lily just giggled and smiled

The tower smiled and laughed as patted his shoulder

Father Oris: That goes for you two!!

Sister Lily: I know I'm going to miss those three when they leave for the city, your not alone.

Father Oris: (Clears his voice) We'll I've raise Asta and Yuno since they were infants, and spent all these years living alongside, and I've also took in Ater ever since he was exiled from the capital. So it's only natural since I've missed them a bit.

Sister Lily: I understand, we've alway look after and kept them safe. But now, we must give them a chance make their own way.

Tower Master: Yes exactly, but look at it like this, Yuno may well succeed and Ater may be returning to the Capital and succeed as well, but I all likely hood Asta will not, and he'll turn right around and come back.

Father Oris: Yes you're right, probably will. Okay then, Yuno and Ater may be lost to us, but Asta is sure to comeback. Now about that book of Asta's, do you think it can truly be a grimoire? It seems so unlikely, why would he get one if he can't use magic? Also, how is possible for Ater to receive two grimoire, I'm surprised that he received a four leaf, but how did he receive his father's grimoire? I thought it disintegrated after he passed away.

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