Part 21 - The Purge is Over

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"You've pissed me off, you little shit!" Ripper shrieked. "It's time for you to die!"

To be honest, after everything that just happened, I wanted to go home. I wanted to go and get some sleep, then continue my day. However, I could not go home until I was done with Ripper; not only did he kill Shockwave, but he also put many people in his Dream State and he won't stop until he dies. 

"You need to kill him," Mark said. "There are those that don't deserve it, but those that are deserving,"

"No," I replied. "Killing him will give him a punishment too easy. He needs to reap the damage he sought upon innocents," 

"Prison won't be a solution," Mark countered. "Ripper put the officer questioning him in Dream State last time and he didn't get out of it," 

"That's what we'll figure out," I promised. 

"Done talking?" Ripper asked. "I'm going to give you the same death I gave Shockwave!" 

"Go ahead and fail," I offered. 

Ripper lunged at me, but I dodged his attack. He then attempted to latch on to me and slash me, but I zapped him away from me. My lightning had gotten much stronger after I got my determination back. I still don't think that I'm on the level of the executives yet, but I am getting closer and closer. Ripper would be the final test to show my growth.

"Seems like I won't be able to get close to you too easily..." Ripper muttered. 

He charged up his hands with his energy and slammed the ground. A shockwave of red energy got blasted towards me, which I barely managed to resist due to my forcefield. 

"I never saw that one!" Ripper exclaimed. "You have a forcefield?!"

I didn't respond and slammed my hands down on the ground. This was a similar move that I did against Shockwave. Lightning spread across the metal floor. This was not so far from the place where I fought Shockwave, so the floor should conduct electricity well. 

However, Ripper jumped up high in the air and shot his red energy at me. My lightning wouldn't be strong enough to counteract this, so I moved out of the way, effectively dodging in time. The blast left a crater in the ground, a testament to Ripper's immense power in this form. It felt like something that Abyss might have done. 

"I'm not done yet!" Ripper yelled as he spun in the air, causing multiple of his red energy blasts to go in all directions, including my own. 

I put my force field up, blocking multiple blasts. Luckily, I'm to Ripper's right, meaning I only have to worry about his blasts going to the right. There was no way I was going to get hit. Come to think of it, he should be pretty open after he finishes: if that's the case, then I will be able to blast him with lightning as soon as he finishes.

"Jay, look to your left!" Mark yelled through the comms. 

I looked to my left and was met with a horrifying sight. That kid I saved back when The Purge began was there with a pale look. He wasn't dead or in danger by Ripper's blasts, since my force-field was big enough to cover him, but if Ripper saw him, then he would definitely use the kid as an advantage to get the upper hand on me. 

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper-shouted at him. "What happened to staying at the library?!"

"Some viper gang members came in and caught me," he replied. "I had to run, but then I saw you fighting Ripper and had to stay next to you. I tried to go to the shelter that was across the street, but there are at least 10 Viper gang members that are guarding it,"

"I see," I replied. 

"Hey, who is this kid?!" Ripper smirked. 

"None of your business," I replied. "I suggest you don't do anything wrong,"

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