Help With Calculus

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"Make sure to read pages 82-108 for tomorrows lesson" the professor shouts from the front of the class

All the students begin to leave as Cole packs his bag. The young 22 year old, stands up and walks over to his professor.

"Hey Mr. Kenny how is it going?

"Well if it isn't my favorite student *whisper* don't tell the class" Mr. Kenny said with a wink

"Things are good, how are you?"

"Oh I'm alright, I was wondering if you could help me with some past lessons, just having difficulty wrapping my head around it"

"Sure thing, fallow me to my office"

Mr. Kenny leads Cole through the door and towards his office room in the east wing of the building.

"I've just got to make sure to pick Theo up from daycare in an hour"

"Right how is the little guy, how olds he again?"

"He's gonna be turning 3 in 4 months"

"Wow already, have you started potty training him yet"

"Oh heavens no, he's far from potty training. Like any little boy he's slow to that lesson, but regardless I think he will be a late bloomer when it comes to big boy undies" Mr. Kenny says with a laugh

"Why do you say that"

"Oh well he's a really bright kid, he just takes a little extra time to learn certain lessons"

"Fair enough, I guess I can relate to that" Cole says as they enter Mr. Kenny's office

"Ha I guess that's true"

"But at least you've got the work ethic, that's all that matters. You'd be a good example for my little man" Mr. Kenny says pulling up a chair next to his at his desk

"Aww gee Mr. Kenney that's very kind of you" Cole says sitting down

"Yeah yeah, lets get to those calculus questions" Mr. Kenny says sitting next to Cole

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