✅✅ chapter -11 ( Snapshots )

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Rey's pov

Shreya looked horrified when she saw my mother and her family holding some pics. I bet its her childhood pics which made her react like that.
When I looked at her pics I was stunned to see a overweight girl in two braids wearing dark spectacles who was very fair but at the same time cute her features were similar to that of shreya . It must definetely be her any cousin because the Shreya standing in front of me had beautiful curves a slender figure but I was shocked when her mother said its Shreya .
Like really , I said a bit loud and everyone started stairing at me.
Yes , its her , her aunt spoke;" she was a cute chubby baby since birth which looked very cute during the early years and years of pampering and her foodie habbits which she got from her family like her father , uncle , aunt lead to accumulation of the shreya which u can see in the pic but during her teen years she got obssessed with the idea of wearing stunning dresses which led her to shed quite a few kilograms".
I was suprised , my princess is real fan of designer clothes and bags but I can get her any expensive item she wants and then I turned to look around her and saw her face flushed with embaressment.
There is nothing to feel shy about my mother spoke to her but she remained silent then she again said its just that I really dont like looking at them they remind me of not so good days.
Everyone remained silent , but then a male servant came in with two beautiful crystal glasses asking me for desert but I declined because I dont take that much calories I remember the last time I ate something sweet was my bday .
Suddenly , shreya's grandfather spoke ," young man this is apple crumble with vannila icecream and shreya made it , it doesnt have that much calories as you can see but knowing the fact shreya made it and you wont it I'll send it back".
This man is definetely smart , thats why he has two super successful sons and an amazing grand daughter .
I'll just taste it , I cant say no to something like that I said and everone gave me a knowing look.
My mother asked how's it as soon as I took a spoon full of it all the flavours started to melt in my mouth it was delicious .
I said ," I didnt expect that u can cook as well " Ms Joshi .
She replied , I can do so many things you dont know I have lot of talents up my sleeve Mr Singhania she said and everyone started laughing .
My mother said , I never thought she made this I thought your chef made it but my daughter really suprises me everytime.
I gasped and murmurred slowly " me too ".

I looked around the watch and it was about 11:55 pm . I slowly gestured my mother because i know shreya has to get things done before our cermony and its going to be very long week for her but shreya's uncle caught me gesturing mom .
Sit down son there is no hurry , to leave I am just leaving to send the driver to the airport to get the boys , why dont you wait and meet them as well .
They will be very delighted to meet there new brother.
I was about to say something but mother spoke , Mr Joshi now we are a family we will meet quite often now so we can meet the boys later as I am sure there are lot of preperations to be done from both sides I want this wedding to be the wedding of the decade which everyone remembers .
Sure Mrs . Singhania then we must not stop you from your big plans and everyone started laughing .
Everyone came out to give us a farewell I saw Shreya hessitantly who tried to say a proper good biee to me aswell but stopped her emotions around her family my mother tightly hugged her and said biee and I felt so jealous of her now I cant even hug my future wife but before sitting in the car I asked her father , grandfather and uncle who were standing in a group together.
Sir if you dont mind than may I take shreya for lunch tomorrow .
They looked each other for a moment and then his uncle said , yes you can but no funny business till the wedding .
My face lit up with the large smile and I sat in the car and winked at Shreya which made her blush and her cheecks turned red .
Her mother nudged her and she got back to normal and waved me good biee .
I was eagerly waiting for the sun to rise up so I was not able to sleep and since Shreya accepted all my request from all the socializing applications so I spent a good time stalking her to get to know her better .

I gave the keys of my black sports car to the vallet and started walking towards my 7 star hotel's resteraunt .
I entered and the manager greeted me escorting me to my private section which I specially made for having business deals but today I can use it to impress my future wife as well.
I instructed him , a girl with black hair fair skin  will come asking about me escort her here with full respect and grace .
He nodded and left , by the time waiting for shreya I called my secreatry and told him to keep all my meetings after 4 on standby till I tell you and dont disturb me for an hour or two until I call you back without listeing I disconnected the phone as I heard the clicking sound oh heels.
Shreya came in wearing a white sundress descending till her knees .
Her dior sunglasses were tucked in her hair and she looked breathtaking as always. I made my way to her like a gentle man and ask her to sit infront of me .
So, she said .
So , I replied.
So , mr siinghania why are we here.
Princess, i thought we were over with the last name basis after last night.
She blushhed , right we were over that rey .
Now you are talking girl.
Suddenly a waiter came in with water .
She drank in one gulp quenching her thirst .
What wrong did the water do to you that you gulping it in one sip.
Right , rey you are not the one who havent slept properly last night I slept around 5 in the morning than I woke up at 8 because I have lot to do jewellery , outfit , shoes ouch long list.
I laughed you are trying very hard to impress me princess but dont worry I am already impressed by you.
Mr . Singhania i dont want to impress you in my wildest dream but I dont want to look bad in any of the pic coz its a lifelong memory and I dont want my kids to call me wired witch in future.
He chuckled so you finally accept that you want to have kids with me.
She blushed and then replied sarcastically "like I have any option ".
No u dont,darling...but what were you doing till 5 in the morning our conversation ended near about 1.
Actually I had a lot to catch up with my brothers so we stayed late . I have to explain them how I am marrying a dick.
That hurts , darling but dont worry some dAy this dick only give you so much pleasure.
Ewww, you are too horny for your own good.
Yeah, actually I cant control my self in front of certain someonee.
Is that so she replied I nodded and she laughed.
So what do want to have for lunch.
Surprise me I want you to order it for me but one basic rule it should be something vegetrian because I am a vegetarian.
I rang the bell and the waiter came in he asked for the order I said bring chicken biryani for me and mushroom pasta for the lady with some red wine and a strong black coffee.
She was stunned .
She asked me hidding her suprised face you did well with the order but it was not quite up to the mark.
He again laughed and then said then what is up to the mark in your terms.
She said i dont know ask yourself . I immediately moved my leg to her bare leg and she gasped ..what was that ??
I replied being upto the mark she blushed and i winked .

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