Hakki 8: Fulani's Secret

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So sorry for typos

'He would never!' Amatu half whispered, half shouted into the phone. She is only wearing a vest that reaches her thighs. It's so hot today because the entire Palace is affected by a problem that happened with the transformer. Even though it will only take a day to repair it, the afternoon is still too hot for normal.

'Amatu never say never!' Manal whisper yelled back from the other end.

'He doesn't even hold my hand I swear!' She assures.

'Uhmhm!' Manal sounds skeptical. 'Stop going to his house Amatu. If anything happens...they will blame you. I don't want you to be hurt'

Amatu guessed that Manal did not know Dirkin Bappa. If she knew him, she would know that he was above that sort of thing. Just because she went to his house often didn't mean that he would try to take advantage of her. They are together most days these days. He would either take her to school or pick her up from school to drop her off at Deedah's.

Anyways, she trusts him completely. Deedah is right to put her trust in him as well. He didn't have anyone. Amatu likes being there for him. Now she doesn't act crazy all the time. She likes to show her mature self every once in a while. There are days that gets too hard to contain her energy but that's okay. He doesn't seem to mind it at all.

He buys her things all the time. Mostly food though. He has already realized her love for yoghurt and other diary products. And a day doesn't go by without him buying a piece of her heart with it.

She has totally gotten used to him calling her Amah. No lie, her heart still skips a beat sometimes when he does it. But it's all cool. She is only affected by his tones because she wasn't used to speaking to the opposite gender. And yet, no matter how m7ch they talk, she finds that he gets under her skin even more. Getting used to it at this point is her getting used to him. She considers it his unique charm and that's all.

All in all, Amatu thinks they vibe alot. He smiles a lot around her and even though he is still more of an observer than a participant in life, Amatu fibds that so cool as well. But maybe it's just because she talks alot and finding someone so disciplined makes her admire him.

'Did you listen to the recitation I sent you?' Manal asks.

'I did! It's so cool! Amatu replies with emotion. She likes recitations from different people. They all affect her differently. Each time she finds one that enters her heart, she adds it to her collection.

Amatu and Manal usually like donating to recoters out of their pocket money. This is one of the reasons Amatu doesn't keep money. She likes to spend money on things she fibd worthy. Saving is her biggest problem.

Anyways, when they speak, she and Manal could spend hours without realising it. They dobt speak often. But wyeb they do, they have to share every social media nit that interests them. They would laugh and cry over goodness and injustice. In fact, a few times they would argue over point of views. Of course s8nce Amatu cannot talk about botfirends, one of their favorite topics is what they expect from marriage and their sposues in general.

Amatu doesn't really speak to Saraki on the phone m8ch. Because he doesn't talk much, she pegs him as a bad c9nversafionalist and doesn't like talk8ng to h8m on phone. In reality, his facial expressions makes it seem like he was answering her and that's enough. She wouldn't talk to herself on the phone and rhat is her own limit.

So when his call came through as she was discuss7ng style with Manal, she ignores it.

After f8b8sh8ng the c9nversation with Manal, she fibally calls him back because she worried that its something important and she blew him off.

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