Chapter Two

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She felt her own heartbeat, and for the first time since she stepped out of the house, she became aware of her own clothing; her big woolen brown top, despite the harsh hot weather, because she couldn't pick any other outfit, or maybe she loved this sweater too much.

Her black mini skirt did not reach her knee because she had refused for any skirt to pass her knee, and her college Hebrew-looking brown sandals that were now too tight on her feet, which she had refused to throw away because she loved them too much.

Her leather black bag hung over her shoulder, one expensive thing she had bought with her money, because it carried her precious gems, her books.

She looked away from him but felt his gaze still lingered on her, much more than it should. Why? She wasn't Alero, neither was she tall with the perfect body.

When she reached her class, she realized that she had missed Mr. Ola's class, which was both a relief and a regret.

She crouched down in her seat in class and brought out her last read novel from one of her favorite authors, Cynthia Hall. It was a mystery to her because she had never seen the author's picture before - it was like she didn't exist.

The class was quiet except for a few whispers, so she read while waiting for the next lecturer to arrive.

She opened page thirty-nine of "The Bloodlust" by Cynthia Hall. It was a book about a vampire who, for some unknown reason, had never fallen in love because he felt love would weaken him.

It was odd; as she read, she wondered how long it would be before he found love. Although she doubted he would ever find love because the book was already coming to an end, and what was mostly talked about was his rule and how he was bringing humans to the end of their race, and how vampires would rule.

It was odd; she never read books that weren't romance, but she had read all of Cynthia Hall's books. All of Cynthia Hall's books were romance, even if they were fantasy books. But this one...this one lacked any romance. Still, she kept reading because the vampire was a very handsome fellow with a good sense of humor that intrigued her.

"Settle in, all of you," a lady's voice, stern and sharp, caused her to stop reading abruptly.

She set the book aside and looked up at the lecturer.

Her eyes widened in shock; it was the woman she had seen that morning at the park, the one with the oversized suit and petite frame.

What was she doing here? Was there an introduction to a new course, or were they having a new lecturer as a replacement?

The students who had been leaning outside the corridor started racing in, but her eyes were still fixed on the woman, who was gazing at her sternly.

Sarah blinked and wanted to look away, for her scrutinizing gaze made her feel uncomfortable, but for an unknown reason she didn't know, she kept looking at her.

"Sarah," she heard the whisper of her name, but she didn't turn until the girl beside her had to tap her.

"Sarah, Mr. Ben said we should do away with all our books. We are having a test."

She blinked and looked at the girl wearing a wig that seemed too American, too foreign. Perhaps it felt odd to her because wearing silky wigs wasn't her usual style.


What did Bisi mean by Mr. Ben? Mr. Ben, their English lecturer?

"Remove your books; he is coming," Bisi said, a warning in her voice. Then she leaned back in her seat with horror in her eyes, looking beside Sarah.

Sarah turned and found herself face to face with Mr Ben. His big stomach strained against the belt of his trousers as he glared down at her with displeasure.

She averted her gaze to the front of the class where the woman had stood, but to her surprise, the woman was not there.

Her brows furrowed; she was sure she had heard her and had seen her.

"Clear your table," Mr. Ben's gruff voice said, and Sarah quickly removed her bag and books from her desk.

Throughout the test, she had thought of the woman and wondered if she had just imagined it. This made her lose her concentration, and she questioned whether she would ever pass the test.

It would be a shock as she had never failed an English test before.

Back at her house after school, Sarah decided to sit facing the long windows and finish the last of Bloodlust. For once, she would not think about what had happened today.

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