Two Versus One

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"Dr. Lightfayre, where are we at on this viruses origins? All of our current patients are in Chicago with you guys. Any idea who patient zero is?" C.I.A. Director Malik asked from over the zoom call pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No. Most likely someone from overseas, though, based on the fact that all the patients have recently come from Russia. They haven't reported an outbreak yet, but that plays into my theory. This virus is not natural in origin," I explained after a long moment of refocusing my thoughts. They all thought it was because I was just so brilliant and had so much information in my mind. Nope. I just was thinking about my wife. If only they knew.

"That's a dangerous accusation to wager," the C.I.A. Director said cautiously, glancing through the files I sent him before the meeting.

"I think the virus is natural. It probably came from some animal or something," the Vice C.I.A. Director said dismissively. He was a total dick that didn't believe in anything science related. Only religion. Funnily enough, there was no logic test for his position, so baboons like him got through.

"Oh, and that's based on what degree exactly? Is your doctoral degree in general medicine, or is your Ph.D. in infectious studies? Please enlighten me because I was almost certain your last education was your G.E.D.," I responded back coldly, not the one to play their political games.

"I have to agree with Jason. The structure of the virus does not look like an organic change. Not to mention the car crash...hit and run with the person investigating potential biological warfare, and probably the only scientist in the country that could stop a full-out breakout? It just seems like an unlikely coincidence," Dr. Patel said, having my back as always.

"You and your conspiracy theories...who would anyone want to attack America?" the idiotic Vice C.I.A. Director asked, waving his hand and shoving away Dr. Patel's theory.

"Probably most of the world, honestly. We are always sticking our nose where it doesn't belong," the C.I.A. Director said with a long, stressed sigh.

"Fine. We need to quarantine, obviously. Starting with those patients. Any outside transmission and the entire hospital has to go on lockdown. General Cuso, the National Guard, is to be deployed to Chicago to help them quarantine. Obviously, Dr. Lighfayre, you need to work on an antidote or vaccine as quick as possible and send out samples of this virus to all labs with the ability to help you with that goal," the C.I.A. The director ordered breaking down the sequence of events that would play out.

"A lockdown will cause panic!" the secretary of state complained, pissed off at the idea.

"So will everyone dying. That's it really until we have more information. You can leave except for Dr. Lightfayre," the C.I.A. The director ordered, dismissing the room with his usual curtness. I got a few nasty looks as everyone filed out, but I just rolled my eyes. The last thing in life I cared about was what they thought.

When the room was just me and the C.I.A. Director, he relaxed. His shoulders slumped, and I realized this was more of a friendly chat than a formal meeting. We had worked together for many years on various C.I.A. projects before he became C.I.A. Director.

"How's the wife?" He asked seriously. He was one of the few politicians I knew who actually enjoyed his spouse's presence, so I knew it was a sincere question.

"She doesn't remember anything still. No change. She's forming new memories as they happen but that's it," I said trying to keep my composure relaying the state of things.

He nodded sympathetically, his age showing with his deep frown lines.

"I want you to look into the Russian involvement with the virus. I don't want it broadcast, but I think your suspicions are correct. I think it was a sign to keep out of things. I'm hoping the National Guard will help keep things calm and also keep your wife safe," he said, clearly having just used the virus as an excuse to deploy the National Guard for her without raising suspicions. I had been wondering why he had deployed them, considering the police generally handled such things, but I appreciated the effort on his part.

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