His moochi

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"its so good where did you learn to cook " book asked
"I live alone ofcourse i would know how to cook "
Force answered while sipping his coffee

" I live alone also but i don't know how to cook i mostly took takeouts or sometimes my mother prepares some homecooked meals for me "

" And somebody was saying he is not a baby " force smiles teasingly

Book just huff in response not ready for another argument so early in the morning he finshes his breakfast while listening to force rumbling force loves to talk he can talk all day and will not get tired

"We have a photoshoot early in the morning lets hurry " book reminds force as he stands up to collect the empty plates

They arrive at the location together making all the heads turn to them surprised . their managers came forward guiding them to their dressing rooms as they were already late for the shoot

" Why are you late and why did you two came together ?as an actor you should be a little conscious of flying rumors you know that right "
Force manager started complaining when they enter the make up room

" I know , i know ok but i showed up with book whatever rumors fly it will be good for us he is my friend its natural just calm down" force roll his eyes at his manager and opens his Instagram to pass time until his make up is done

They were doing there first photoshoot as a couple it was new for both of them book was having some problems when they were asked to pose more intimately

"Force you keep your hand on book's shoulder and move your face a little more close to Books. Like you are going to kiss him. And book you should keep your gaze on force's lips " crew gave them some instructions force can feel book stiffness he was nervous
"Lets take a 5 min break i need to go to restroom"
Force declared signaling book to follow he looks a little hesitant but followed him

Book entered the restroom room closing the door behind him with a thud
" I can't do this its too much "

" Ofcourse you can , you were doing great you are just having little problem with intimacy but its your first time you will get used to it trust me on this ok" force said holding Book's gaze

"Hmm ..." Book kept looking at his feet

"Hey look at me " force grab Book's face in his both hands forcing Book to look at him " lets just forget that we are doing a photoshoot ok remember when we were little what was our pose it was a quite intimate one now if you think about that we used to hold each other soo tight pressing our faces together that never bothered us . Forget about the photoshoot just remember we two are taking photos together like always its easy right " force said waiting for a answer book nods in response
" Ok i can do it  . Its just you and me " book answered giving force his best smile
Rest of the photoshoot pass very smoothly


Its been a month since our first photoshoot we have already started shooting 'enchante' for a month now . Book was doing surprisingly good he adapt to new surrondings so quick which is very unlikely of him . Our kissing scene is scheduled in a few days and it would be a  lie if i say i am not nervous its not like its my first kiss or anything but kissing a close friend that's definitely a first . Today we were having a dinner together with all of the cast Book called me to let me know that he will pick me up from my house then we can go together
I was already running late book will arrive in like 15 minutes and i still haven't decided what to wear

I was just finishing my hair when Book messaged me letting me know that he has arrived i was wearing a blue t-shirt with jeans i was wearing this shirt for the first time. Book and i purchased this same shirt together when we went shopping last week .

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