Chapter 4: Sword, Snake, Thief, Arrow

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Jax and Bertilak ambled through the weathered entrance of the diminutive ancient temple, its timeworn façade a testament to the passage of ages. Restored under the careful eye of its recent custodian, the temple bore signs of rejuvenation amidst its age-old architecture.

As the duo ventured further into the temple's depths, the guardians stationed within ushered them towards a secluded chamber, hidden away from prying eyes. With each step, the air grew heavy with anticipation, a palpable sense of intrigue guiding their path.

Upon crossing the threshold into the chamber, their gaze fell upon an unexpected sight: their elusive "investor" reclining in a bath, the scene juxtaposing the solemnity of the temple's surroundings with an air of casual luxury.

In the depths of the tub, Vermillion Raddock reclined, his demeanor exuding an air of serene detachment. A rouge Huntsman by trade, he had once called Mistral his home, yet now found solace amidst the shifting sands of Vacuo. Renowned as a figure of both dread and awe, his name reverberated through the annals of Southern Vacuo's history as one of unparalleled notoriety.

Throughout a decade, few could rival Vermillion's prowess in the art of death. His hands, stained crimson with the blood of countless adversaries, bore witness to the extent of his lethal capabilities. But it was not merely his physical prowess that inspired fear; it was the manifestation of his Semblance that truly set him apart.

In his undertakings, Vermillion consistently veiled himself behind the guise of a boar, concealing the essence of a seasoned 50-year-old man beneath. With a complexion weathered by years of life's trials, his brown skin bore scars, a testament to the harshness of his existence.

Atop his head, a close-cropped mane of red-greyish hair spoke of both maturity and resilience, complemented by a rugged array of facial hair. But it was his eyes, a vivid crimson reminiscent of freshly spilled blood, that captivated onlookers, while a scar etched defiantly across his nose hinted at battles fought and conquered.

Despite his age, Vermillion remained undeterred by the passing of time. As a seasoned warrior, he had weathered countless battles and witnessed the depths of human strife, rendering him an intimidating force whom none dared to challenge.

"You wanted to see us, Vermillion?" he inquired, his voice laced with authority.

Vermillion, reclining in the tub with an air of nonchalance, lifted his head at Jax's address. A sly grin danced across his lips as he met Jax's piercing stare. "Ah, the illustrious king graces us with his presence," Vermillion quipped, amusement coloring his tone. "And how fares the expansion of our forces under your esteemed leadership?"

"They are my forces," Jax corrected sharply. "You may fund me and my organization, but make no mistake, they are my people, I brought them together with a singular purpose: to defend Vacuo,"

"Is that so?" Vermillion's tone was laced with disdain as he eyed Jax with a mixture of skepticism and amusement. "Do those followers of yours, who grovel and worship at your feet, realize that you're not cut from royal cloth?"

Jax's gaze hardened, his resolve unshaken by Vermillion's barbs. "I may lack the lineage of a true king, but Vacuo is in dire need of leadership if it is to withstand the looming threat," he asserted firmly.

Vermillion's expression shifted, a flicker of genuine interest dancing in his eyes amidst his lingering smirk. "Oh~? And what manner of peril do you believe threatens our beloved Vacuo?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued by Jax's proclamation.

Jax's derisive snort echoed through the chamber, a tangible manifestation of his frustration. "Even a blind man can see the writing on the wall, someone's tearing through the kingdoms like a rabid beast," he declared with a note of urgency. "Vale's already fallen, Haven's been hit, and Atlas? They're cowering behind their walls like scared children! If we want to come out of this alive, we need to stand together under a leader worth a damn!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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