Chapter 29 - Proof and Denial

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Early the following day, it seemed everyone awoke with bright spirits, going about their days with a new smile on each face. Even Husk was smiling as much as Alastor.

It honestly unnerved everyone at breakfast.

Alastor glances at his watch, realising the time, "ah, I must be on my way; it seems there's been an urgent matter concerning us overlords," he informs.

"Tell Rosie I say hi, will you?"

He nods, giving you another kiss on the temple before finishing his coffee, "Will do," he leaves swiftly with his coat with everyone's eyes turning back and forth from the two of you.

"Okay." Angel takes a deep breath, holding his head in his hands. "Why the hell are you two 'still friends' when that's how ya act?!"

You jump at the sudden volume change, "what do you mean?"

"Dios mío," Vaggie groans.

"What we mean is... well, even Vaggie and I weren't this lovey-dovey until after we started dating," Charlie explains, only seeing further confusion, "you know... the kisses on the forehead, the lunches, the baked goods, the nights out," she explains.

"Oh, don't be absurd," you scoff, "Alastor is just affectionate in that manner; he was just like this when we were alive,"

"I don't mean to come off as rude," Pentious raises his hand, "but I've been watching an exhilarating television drama, and even the two love interests don't act in such a way!"

"You're all overreacting," you sip at your drink and dismiss their concerns. "If Alastor meant anything more of it, I'm sure I'd be able to tell,"

"I'm sure," Husk rolls his eyes. "Let me know when you start sending invitations out,"

"Invitations?" You glance over with a tilted head.

"To the 'just friends' wedding," he winks, causing a spit take to nearly arise from you.


"You seem chipper," Rosie nudges, "did ya tell her?"

"No. And I don't plan to," Alastor waves Rosie's accusations away as they settle into their chairs at the meeting. Carmilla had called an emergency meeting, not disclosing the concern but evidently unamused by the situation.

It was soon evident why.

If one thing filled Carmilla's heart with disdain, it was ordered from the V's, and this was one she was obligated to fulfil. So, a meeting was called forth, "We are here to hear from the V's... yes, I am quite unpleased as well. However, they have urged it quite consistently,"

"And where exactly are they?" Zeezi asks smugly.

"That's a very good-" Just as Carmilla spoke, the door burst open to show two of three V's in complete shambles. It was hard not to be amused as Valentino hid his black eye with significantly oversized sunglasses and his limp much too obvious. Vox evidently took a more significant brunt of the force as his screen was half shattered, bandages holding pieces in as his arm was in a bulky cast.

"Pray tell, what hath happened to thou?" Zestial asks with a hidden smile behind his cup of tea.

They cut right to the chase with venomous grit in Vox's tone. "That psycho bitch Y/n got me! Yeah, the one that runs that stupid fucking museum!" Vox slams his non-broken hand on the table, still wincing. With an angered glare, he turns to Alastor, "Get your fucking bitch on a leash, Deer boy!"

Alastor laughs, thinking it's another awfully executed joke. "Y/n? You're saying Y/n did this to you?" he shakes his head, "I knew your pranks were subpar, but this is a new unbelievable low, Vox,"

"I have to admit, that's quite the stretch," Rosie agrees, "the girl couldn't hurt a butterfly!"

"She sure as hell can throw a punch," Valentino removes his glasses before throwing his broken gun onto the table, "and I just bedazzled it!"

They all look to Velvette, who had stayed uncharacteristically silent and looked unharmed. "I stayed out the way, not my clowns, not my circus," Velvette shrugs. "These idiots didn't listen, but yeah, keep that psycho away from our tower. Half of Val's studio is burned to shit,"

"Say this Y/n person did do this. Why would she?" Carmilla then asks, waiting for an answer from the irritated overlords.

Velvette then speaks up again. "Because Vox was able to make a device that could break past her stupid security system. She told him to shut it down, but he didn't," Velvette explains. "Then some scumbags tested it out. Course, it worked, but that definitely pissed her off,"

"Of course, we would have proof if she didn't wipe every camera in the building," Valentino then tosses three broken phones, "and destroyed our phones. Bare hands, impressive, certainly a kink for that," he muses.

Whilst Alastor's shadow fumed at the comment made by Val, Zestial spoke up, "Interesting," he chuckles, "thou three- forgive me, thou two hast fallen victim to ego once again, shall we move on?"

Vox's broken screen started to buzz and flicker, "What?! You're just going to let her get away with this?! She nearly killed me!" he growls.

Carmilla chuckles, "It seems to me you're embarrassed by the notion a sinner with, I assume, no souls or significant power was able to defeat you,"

"No significant-?! She tore my entire security team apart! Literally!" Vox yells.

"Alastor?" Rosie glances at her friend, who had stayed much too silent, "What do you think about this all?"

"I don't believe a word," he shakes his head, "Y/n is strong, but I've never seen behaviour even remotely close to what's being said," he admits aloud to the group. "I've known Y/n for many years, and this is much too out of character,"

"Ever think your Preciosa is putting up an act?" Valentino scoffs.

"He's not wrong," Velvette yawns, "Y/n has practically half the black market in the palm of her hands," she then carries on, typing away at her spare phone but sparing a slight glance at Alastor, "Aw, how else did you think she got those hot shot exhibits?"

"There were rumours from heaven," Zeezi chimes in, "some scary demon made that First-man Adam piss his pants," she snickers.

"I did hear about that too," Rosie hums, looking to Alastor again, "I know you don't-"

"It seems..." Alastor interrupts, "Voxtek has much more to improve on if security can be erased so easily," he places both hands down on the table, "now, shall we-"

Velvette suddenly gasps, "Oh! I got it!" She hands a small device over to Vox, "old bat doesn't even know what a smartwatch is," she scoffs, helping link it up to his shattered screen. "It will cut out, but just wait until you eat shit, antlers," she snickers at a fuming Alastor.


OH SHITTT- apologies I forgot that next chapter is wild but this is the build up lol my bad

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OH SHITTT- apologies I forgot that next chapter is wild but this is the build up lol my bad

- Anna ❤️

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