What defines us...

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What defines us...

written by AJCrazyEyes

What defines us...

It's not the city

Where we were born

Nor the state,

Not even the nation

We were raised

It's not our color

Nor our genre

It's not the fame

Not even our different taste

It's not our sexual orientation

Not even our age

What defines us...

It is not our political affiliation

Nor religion we have an obsession with

And it's also not the fact

That we don't follow a religion

It's not the number of likes and dislikes

On some famous social media

And not even the number of friends

In our common/mediocre real life

It's not our clothes

Not even our health

Nor our football team or baseball

Or another sport we don't understand

What defines us is our behavior,

Our endeavors, our attitudes, our actions

It's not what we say, but what we do

If our speech is glad,

But our actions are empty,

Are non-existent

In fact, in this case, this is hypocrisy

This is self-promotion

Selfishness, selfishness, selfishness

When we make pretty speeches

About collective things

And our real intention

It's individual and It's for our own benefit

Being in the center

In the center of attentions

Overvaluing the pain

Overvaluing our brain

As we get rich, we gain fame, 

Status, followers, bootlickers

But we keep being indecent

By inside, by behind

Then the majority of lives 

Remain lost, in poverty

Suffering in their souls

Sad inside

We are selfish, I also said It

But we can improve it

If we put it into practice

If we have such good attitudes

Genuine, for real

So... what defines us?

Evolving is attitude

Evolving is to keep believing

Evolving happens on a daily basis

Even if we're not even filming

Nor showing to the world

Our happy faces

Day after day

Genuinely improve every day

Having the silence as a powerful thing

Into an alliance of courage

Of self-respect, of patience

Without indolence, without negligence

We still need to learn how to live in harmony

Respecting ourselves and everyone else

In this immense and intense world of change

But we need to put it into practice with intelligence

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