A restless night

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As the evening rolls on, Nathan spends some time talking with Julius to check in on him. Anastasia heads off to unwind in the hot tub, while Katy catches some z's, and Mrs. Williams makes sure the house is secure before turning in for the night.

Nathan: , Man, I was really worried about you.

Julius: reassured him, Nah, don't be a crybaby. I'm good.

Nathan: insisted, No, seriously, we were all worried. It's not like you to not text or call back.

Julius: I know, it was tough. I didn't know what to do in that moment, just felt like crying and thinking about how my family is falling apart. You guys always see the happy side of me, not the sad side.

Nathan: Listen, you're more than just a friend to me. You're family, especially when you feel like you have none. We've been tight since we were in diapers, and that will never change.

Julius: Thanks, man. I appreciate you all so much. You guys are like my second family. I don't know what I would do without you.

Nathan: No problem, man. And I know your life would be so boring.

Julius: scoffed, Oh yeah, I bet yours would be way worse.

Nathan: laughed, Haha, nah, I'd still be rich.

Julius: Haha, very funny, asshole.

Nathan: Ah, I'm just messing with you, man. I'm gonna grab a shot and clean my room. Jenna's coming over tonight.

Julius: Jenna? You're smashing the maid's daughter ?

Nathan: It's a long story, and we're not just fooling around. She's my girl.

Julius: You're lying. You settling down? I'll never believe it.

Nathan: Well, believe it. We've been together since Drew's party at the dorms.

Julius: Whoa, seriously? How come I never knew ?

Nathan: You were too busy trying to hang out with Taylor. But I'll catch you later. See ya!

Julius: Wow, adios! That's crazy.

Nathan leaves to tidy up his space, and Julius decides to stay behind.

Julius: Time for a little reward, I've earned it.

He heads to the kitchen, pouring a generous whiskey, his face contorting at the taste.

Julius: Ugh, that's rough.

Suddenly, Anastasia pops up, startling Julius.

Anastasia: What's rough ?

Julius: You nearly gave me a heart attack!

Anastasia: Oops, my bad. Having a drink ?

Julius: Yeah, want a bit ?

Anastasia: Just a little.

After Julius serves her, Anastasia takes a sip.

Anastasia: that's terrible.

Julius nods in agreement, "Told you so."

Anastasia: Hanging out by yourself, huh?

Julius: Just relaxing, nothing special.

Anastasia: Gotcha. Want to come and chill in the hot tub with me?

Julius: Sounds good, let's do it.

As they make their way to the hot tub in the backyard, Anastasia slips into the water, watching Julius as he peels off his clothes. She's drawn to his muscular arms and abs but notices he's covered in bruises. With a wince, Julius joins her in the hot tub.

Julius: Ah, this water's pretty soothing.

Anastasia: Be careful.

Julius: Yeah, I'm aware.

Anastasia: So, how are you holding up ?

Julius: I'm hanging in there, you know? It's been a lot to process. I'm trying not to dwell on the past few days. So, what have you guys been up to?

Anastasia: Not much, really. We went to Katy's baby shower. Nathan was pretty worried about you, so he ended up drinking most of the time to take his mind off things.

Julius: Oh, I see. That's cool. It's a bummer I missed it. I bet it was lit.

Anastasia: It was definitely a day to remember. Oh, and by the way, Katy's having a boy.

Julius: No way! Seriously?

Anastasia: Yup, it's super exciting!

Julius: Heck yeah! I can't wait to teach him all sorts of things, especially sports. And of course, Nathan and I will be there to babysit during your "girls' day" too.

Anastasia: Yes, I'm looking forward to all the memories we'll create and the adventures we'll have together. It's going to be amazing.

Julius: Hey, can I ask you something?

Anastasia: Sure, what's up?

Julius: Do you ever think about having kids in the future? How many would you want?

Anastasia seems to become a bit more introspective at Julius's question.

Anastasia: Me, a mom? Yeah, I've thought about it. I'd like to have a couple of kids someday. Preferably two boys, I think. Don't get me wrong, I'd be just as happy with girls, but I have this feeling I'd rock at being a boy's mom.

Julius: I get that. I want two kids as well, but I'm hoping for a mix—like one boy and two girls. I like the idea of my son being there to look out for his sisters, you know?

Hearing how Julius talks about it, Anastasia finds herself drawn to him even more. His respectfulness and protective nature make her daydream about him being the perfect husband.

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