-Smiling Critters First Easter-

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Y/n breathes out a bit, rising up, stretching out her body. Looking down towards the Smiling Critters who were still asleep. Slowly sliding out her bed. Taking her cane. Walking towards her dresser, taking some clothes before changing into her morning clothing. Moving into her hallway passing by a calendar that had a mark around one day....


A day know for egg hunting and bunnies. Y/n planned throughout March on what to do. Dinner and how to surprise the Smiling Critters on their first Easter. Usually hiding within her work space just to put everything together for them for this holiday. From making baskets to knowing what to cook for dinner. Eventually cleaning up her back yard to make the Easter hunt for them more enjoyable. Grabbing some bags to label when they get Candy so they don't end eating up one another's on accident. She also put some money into eight eggs for each Smiling Critter to have to which she already put into their baskets so they would have it evenly. Heading to her small work space, grabbing the baskets then coming out. Settling them onto a small table. Duke comes over. Woofing at her.

Y/n: "I didn't forget Duke." 

Pulling out a pair of bunny ears. Planting them onto his head, adjusting them for a second. Duke groaned a bit. Y/n chuckles softly. Putting hers on. Grabbing a large bag that held eggs. She went into the backyard to spread them out before coming back in. Y/n wondered back to her bedroom.

Y/n: "Wake up dear's."

The Smiling Critters groaned a bit as Dogday was first to get up. Squinting a bit.

Dogday: "Miss Y/n... what's that on your head?"

Y/n: "Bunny ears dear, today is a special holiday."

Hoppy: "Holiday?"

Y/n: "Today is Easter everyone. A holiday of Bunnies and Egg hunting. Come on, everyone wake up. Time for Breakfast."

Each yawning before sliding down. Y/n poured juice into glasses before making PB & J sandwiches (but if any of them had peanut allergen she would make them a Jam sandwich instead). Taking their seats to eat as Y/n went into the living room to do something really quick. Making sure Duke got his breakfast. Finishing up their sandwiches. Y/n cleaned up their plates.

Y/n: "Ok dears. Go into the living room."

Following her instruction. Going there with her behind them. Seeing some baskets.

Bubba: "Miss Y/n what are these baskets for?"

Y/n: "To carry eggs dear, when you hunt for eggs you put them into here to carry. For each egg has a surprise. In each basket you already have one egg ready to open but first you must collect the eggs that hidden outside. Go on dears grab yourself a basket."

Immediately grabbing a basket happily. Following Y/n to the back door. To which she opens up revealing eggs lying around.

Y/n: "Ok dears. Line up in a line across here ok."

Immediately they do as she says.

Y/n: "When I count down to one. Y'all begin your egg hunt ok."

Them: "Yes ma'am."

Y/n sits down.





"One and a half....."



Sprinting around to gather up eggs to put into their baskets with glee. Y/n watched, smiling. Seeing them run around like she once did in her youth to collect eggs. A few seconds went by as they grouped up in front of her.

Y/n: "Everyone got all the eggs?"

They nodded.

Y/n: "Alright. Let's go inside. I'll give you a few minutes to trade then we'll put the candies into separate bags."

Y/n opened the door for them to enter first then followed behind them. Giving them a few minutes to trade while giving Duke a bone. She passed out their bags which had their initials on it.

Y/n: "Go ahead and out your candy into those bags. Be sure to eat only a few or you'll get tummy aches."

Nodding. Placing their candies into their own baggies before handing them to Y/n who put them into the fridge in a line so they could easily grab their treats. Taking notice of money in a golden egg. They quickly put into their piggy banks Y/n got them so they could save their money. Y/n turned on the TV. Putting it onto a parade that was about to start. They gathered up onto the couch. Watching with awe of how Parades functions even with their favorite characters being on some with some singers. Craftycorn did ask how the parade works. Y/n gave her an explanation. That they create designs for their parades depending on what holiday it is. Normally on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and Fourth of July. Which can take days to months to prepare. Even when it came to making big balloons float which takes a lot of helium and people to hold it in place. Y/n gently rubbed Catnaps back as he cuddled her legs with Dogday snuggling against her side. Watching a parade for minutes to an hour till it ended. Y/n moved Catnap to the side before entering her work space. Then returning with some plushies and toys. Plushies for the girls and sports ball's for the boys. Turning on cartoons for them as they enjoy their new gifts. Y/n hummed. Preparing dinner and desserts. Bubba taking notice came over.

Bubba: "Need help Miss Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yes I would like that dear."

Passing a spoon to him to stir up the coleslaw. Others taking noticing if this came over wanting to help out. She gave them each a task. Not very difficult ones but ones they can manage. Y/n hummed a bit before gesturing them to go ahead and sit down to continue with cartoons. Allowing the ham to heat up for a few hours. Sitting with Smiling Critters. Allowing Catnap to lay onto her lap again then Dogday cuddling against her side. Breathing out. Minutes ticked by to hours. Hearing a ding of the over.

Y/n: "Dinners ready everyone."

Immediately heading towards the table as Y/n pulled out the sliced ham. Placing it into the middle. Separating each slice of ham onto each plate. Sitting down. Passing rolls around as they did too from learning from her about table manners. Enjoying the fine meal they made together till they finish. Feeling full after some desert. Hoppy and Bobby helped wash dishes. Passing them down to Kicken and Dogday. Bubba along with Craftycorn helped pack leftovers. Giving them to Pickypig who runs it over towards the fridge to put it up. Catnap moved the cloth around the table to clean up the mess left by them. Y/n placed in a movie. Finishing up they gathered up again. Watching an Easter movie named Hop. Night came eventually. Smiling Critters yawned as Y/n held Catnap. Turning off the TV. Heading towards their bedroom. Changing into new sleep wear. Climbing into bed. Y/n shuts the light off before hearing Hoppy say before sleeping.

"Best Easter Ever...."

Y/n smiled a bit before going into slumber.... Happy that they enjoyed Easter for the first time like she did when she was a child when her parents took her Easter hunting then cooked together.... Having a best day together upon Easter.....

That was until the next morning Pickypig had a tummy ache with a worried Y/n tapping her foot.

Y/n: "Remember what I said dear?"

Pickypig: "Yes ma'am."


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