A Lady By The Lake

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As the moon was at its peak, with its radiant blue light reflecting off the river's calm and silent waters, a lady sitting idly by on the grass just near it; lost in thought. Suddenly she lays down on the fertile and cold grass, looking up at the sky —the stars away from the moon; raising her left arm to rest on her forehead. She whispers softly under her breath.

"How much longer..?" With a dull yet calming voice she uttered.

Slowly shifting her head to the moon, putting her left arm just above her head, as her right arm rested beside her body. Gazing upon the moon; she reaches her left hand into the sky, covering the moon from her sight. Just a few tiny strings of light seeping through her hand onto her face that looked tired and worn-out. Murmuring in an almost faint voice,

"I.. I'm sorry." She said, with almost sorrowful and emotionless eyes.

"I.. I didn't mean for this to happen." Speaking in a louder, but still quiet manner than before.

Finally turning her attention away from the night sky, she uses both of her arms to lay up, using them both as support to sit on the grass. Suddenly something peeks her vision; slowly but surely turning her head to the side, her eyes widen in an almost stunned state, she rubbed her eyelids in a swift manner, not losing sight of what has bewildered her. Standing up, confirming it for herself; she try's her hardest to form words in her mouth, speaking out loud.

"Is that.. You...?" Mumbling in an almost inaudible voice.

"I.. I." Saying in a bit louder and clearer voice.

Her previously dull, emotionless eyes void of all sparkle or energy become alive, shining a bright blue under the enhanced effect of the full blue moon. Reaching out her left arm; her mouth trembling a bit, soon forming a smile, ready to call out.

"A-" She abruptly calls out the first letter of someone's name.

Incapable of finishing her sentence, her eyes turning from a pair of diamonds that sparkled endlessly in the dark night, to a dark and empty pair, slowly closing her once bright smile, disappearing completely into a face of somewhat grief, her hand grasping the air, as her arm falls back down to her side.

Looking upon the sight of one whom she loves, smiling brightly with a mysterious woman whose face is clouded in darkness, but wearing a matching and beautiful dress with him. The only identifiable feature you could see on her face was her lips, curling into a smile, facing him as he smiles back at her, with his face also somewhat surrounded in darkness also.

As they both walk away together, arm in arm, she falls to her knees, she looks at the ground, facing it. A single tear falls down from her right eye, a singular tear, slowly falling down the side of her face, making its way to her chin. As it does, it's as if time freezes itself, the tear slowly falls down off her face, almost in a slow motion as it keeps on going, and falling to the ground. Hearing a single splat, she starts weeping in agony, covering and hiding her face with both of her hands next to the lake.

Tears streaming down her face, with some falling through the cracks of her hands, dripping down her wrists. Finally feeling her surroundings, a cold air with a slight breeze, her tears that dribble down her wrists.

"I have no right to cry, I loved him when he broke up, when he was free, and now when he found someone new." Talking out loud with a quivering voice that is unsteady.

"I helped him finding someone new, getting her gifts, preparing for dates..." Finding herself trailing off, she stops talking, continuously crying in her dress.

"What hurts isn't that he's with someone." Pausing for a brief moment. "But I still love him." Adding on quickly later.

Wiping her seemingly endless tears with her bare, cold hands. She slowly gets up with her legs aching quite a bit from falling to her knees. Cleaning her face a few more times, she swiftly leaves; running in her heels.

"Ow..." She says in a quiet voice.

Tripping over with a slight bruise on her left knee, ignoring it as she gets up, this time carefully walking away. Saying one last thing with her drained voice, exhausted face and tiredness.

"I'm truly sickening. I still covet him after all of this." Biting her lower lip, she then continues her way.


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