Early Storms

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Soon enough, they strolled through the clothes store with a variety of clothes swimming kits etc. With the boys scouring through the next floor for clothes, Olivia was left to find a dress that would impress Carl. While Olivia was on her own mission, the girl with auburn wavy hair and hazel eyes came to her.

"Nice choice, but we don't need party dresses." Tara Hazel Flaming said looking at the dress on Olivia's hand.

"Oh! As they always trouble us let's make them break the bank" Olivia replied with a mischievous smile.

"After a long time. Right?" Tara asked with a smiley face.

"Yeah, did you enjoy doing more and more brain surgeries?" Olivia asked making Tara smile again. They were friends at the time when Olivia learned under the medical sector, before her father's death, which caused problems between Elsa and Olivia, as a result, Olivia left the medical sector even without a degree to join the hydrology sector.

"Yeah I loved it. Remember you did one brain surgery too. You were always on the top." Tara replied.

"Which is why I had no friends only you at the time," Olivia replied looking at the dress.

"Yeah! It was good times, before your dad's death." Tara said lost in memory.

"Are you still blaming your mom for not crossing the medical restrictions to save his life? I meant it's not fair" Tara asked in a soft voice staring at Olivia's face trying to find a clue.

"Well for some far, I meant she was a chancellor, if she really wanted, she had ways to find those medicines to save him, but what I'm angry about the most is the way she abandoned me," Olivia replied calmly like it was the easiest question ever but Tara knew it was the most hurting question ever for Olivia. She regretted asking it

"I don't understand Liv, she is good to me. Always helped me. She worries about you." Tara replied looking at a dress.

"Interesting" Olivia said in a not caring tone. Tara was to ask something more but the other girl from the Astro sector came to them.

"Hey, spacewalker! I believe I know you," exclaimed Tara, her gaze fixed on the tall girl with beautiful curly dark hair that cascaded down to the floor. The girl's round, dark eyes turned to Tara and Olivia who were already looking at her.

"Oh don't tell me you hate me because Marcus is your boyfriend. I don't know why he is so mean to me." The girl replied in a begging voice making Tara smile again.

"He's jealous I guess" Tara whispered in a funny tone leaning forward.

"Are you talking about that boy with brown eyes? Your boy next door who chose Astro sector because you refused to be his girlfriend?" Olivia asked running through old memories.

"Yeah, yeah, He is" Tara said laughing.

"Oh is he in our team? Good for you but he hates me, remember? Thanks to my mom he thinks I'm responsible for his parents' deaths." Olivia said and Tara looked at her in a funny mode.

"Nothing good for me. He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends." Tara said and Olivia nodded in disagreement smiling.

"OK.I believe you." Olivia teased and looked at the other girl making Tara blush.

"Curie, isn't it?" Olivia asked and the girl agreed.

"Yeah, "I'm Curie Clark. What do you know about the girl ahead of us, Melvin Snow?" Curie whispered looking at the girl standing a few rows next to them.

"I think I know a bit about her. She is the youngest student in the chemical sector. She has double majors but hasn't finished her final year yet in the communication sector. She was 11 when she joined. Also, she has the special attention of Chancellor Johnson as she is so talented. Also, she has a good connection with Chancellor Bostic. She has a brother who is a highly talented and famous figure in the security sector. He is also Chancellor Bostic's adopted son. Do you remember that tall boy? Sir Bostic was very concerned about him joining the team. Well, he is the youngest student in the security sector in 50 years. Military training is known to be extremely rigorous, with harsh punishments and strict rules. However, this boy was at the top of his class. He is now one of Chancellor Bostic's two main private guards with a high ranking." Tara finished her low voice talking looking at the girl called Melvin.

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