7. Guide?....

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"Let me go!" Ava shouts as she tries to get out of the tight grip that Rose had on her wrists as she drags her back to where they had been standing all along. Ava's escapade had gone terribly wrong, she was caught before she could even speed up. That women Rose was right in front of her before she could even blink.

Rose shoves Ava and she skids down on the ground with a gasp. Dry golden brown leaves crunch under her weight and the freshly risen sun beams brightly on the horizon, making the clouds blush. Shadows embrace Ava as she straightens up on the ground and stares up at the five intimidating people looking down at her while encompassing her.

She felt impotent against them. Like a cat cornered be a pack of growling dogs. However, unfortunately for her, that's how life worked. The weak hunted by the strong. And when it came to her, she was nothing but a worm squirming under their glares, waiting to be stepped over by the rapacious predators.

Any hope of escaping had left her just like the darkness of the night that dissipated when the sun woke up, peeking from the horizon. Ava shrunk into herself as the worst case scenarios popped up in her mind like uninvited guests. Her heart sang the rhythm of pure trepidation and her palms grew sweaty. She clenched her fists tightly with her palpitating fingers and took in a deep tremulous breath.

The red haired women, Flo stepped forward. Causing Ava to crawl back till her back hits someone's legs which elects a flinch from her. Her white v- neck white bishop sleeved shirt was tucked under a messy black denim skirt which had a slit in between which reveled the black pants underneath and on top of it all was a leather corset belt hugging her waist. Her red auburn hair at the top was tied in numerous braids while the rest of it danced freely with the wind.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, we didn't mean to terrify you." Flo apologized as her rosy lips stretched into a faint smile noticing her terror- stricken face. The polite smile that she exhibited on the face was completely different from the cold and calculated look she had going from the time she had caught her eyes. She knelt down to Ava's height and extended her hand forward. The large bow present on her left hand was dubious enough for Ava to stay at a hand's distance away from her.

"I'm Florian, a pleasure to meet you." Ava stares blankly at the extended hand. A gentle breeze blows past them, leaves accompany it, dancing on the melody of the chirming morning birds, contrary to her frantic beats of her heart which she tried to calm down, were vociferating through her ribs which were incarcerating the demented melody from letting them free. Though a glance at her kidnapper told her that she could already hear them.

Unlike before, this breeze was filled to the brim with the warmth of the sun's embrace, blanketing Ava's body. She could feel tingles travel though her fingers as she unclenched her fists and extended her hand toward the waiting one. She licked her parched lips and uttered her next words with as much as confidence she could muster.

"I'm Avalynn, though you already seem to know that." She clasped the awaiting hand and pulled herself up while releasing a shaky breath. The bow present on her left hand was more daunting then it should have been. Flo's grin widens. She takes a step back and examines Ava from head to toe.

"I hope you didn't get any serious injuries, right?" She waves her hand around the other people present there and barks out a nervous laugh. The quiver attached on her shoulder moves along with her calculated movements.

"I swear we mean no harm to you, I just wanted to ask a few questions." She continues with a ting of hesitance clear in her airy voice.

"Go on." Ava nods at her and ignores her former question. She had to raise up her neck just to look at her face. 'Jeez, how do people even get this tall?' Ava shakes away the distracting thoughts internally and shifts her weight on the other leg, her fingers abide the beat of nervous tapping on her right thigh as she continues eyeing the others with eyes which were practically shooting arrows dripping of perspicuous apprehension.

"We just landed on this land a few days ago and then got caught up in some trouble and lost the way to our ship. So would you mind showing us the way to the northern beach of this land where we docked our ship?" She looks at Ava hopefully with her stormy grey eyes while biting her lower lip anxiously.

Ava couldn't believe their bullshit. 'Who in the world kidnaps a person in the middle of the night just to ask where they were. No normal person even thinks of doing this unless they are criminals or some shit.' She couldn't get herself to believe this ridiculous situation.

"Do none of you have phones?" Ava questions. Florian stares at her intently, then looks around at the others who shared the same disoriented look as her. She shifts her quiver around her shoulder and flashes Ava a small grin.

"Umm.. No..?" She replies, more like questions. Ava gives them a weird look. Rose seemed to have already lost her patience as she appears in front of Ava before she could even blink and growls at her. Ava's eyes widen as she recoils from the sudden rage directed towards her. She looses her balance on her foot and bumps into somebody behind her.

She could have sworn the growl came from a wild animal if she hadn't heard it escaping right through the razor-sharp canines of the monstrous women who was furious at her. Ava could practically feel the harsh breaths rushing out of her nostrils and the fire fuming out of her ears.

'what is she so pissed off about anyway' Ava wondered. She tries to get away from whoever was behind her but a pair of hands come to rest on her shoulders, gripping them tightly making her freeze on her place. The weight of the hands on her shoulder made her feel more heavier than the fear that filled her up did.

"Oh right! We st- brought food. It's in Aspen's bag." The guy with blond hair, Emm spoke up uproariously from beside Ava, putting more emphasis on the word 'brought'. He starts strutting towards Ava with a wide grin on his face.

"Come on Aspen, don't scare our lovely guide over here. She might see your face and decide to give up on us before we even manage to get outta this place." Emm promulgates as he puts an arm around her shoulder which helps Ava escape from the gripping hands of Aspen onto another. His white shirt with a bishop sleeve had a cascading neckline which revealed a silver of her chest with brown high waisted loose pants underneath.

"Don't worry, he may seem scary but he's a big softy inside." He winks. She tries to keep as much distance between them as possible. 'When the hell did I agree to become their guide?' Ava wonders as she turns around to peak a glance at who Aspen is.

All that greets her is a broad chest covered with black leather sleeveless wrap secured with numerous leather belts at the waist and a full sleeved black t-shirt underneath. Ava strains her neck upwards to meet the electric blue eyes curtained by his messy brown hair cascading down his forehead, over a sharp jaw and high cheek bones which stared down at her with a blank stare contracting against the brightness of his electrifying blue eyes. Beside him Rose was rummaging through a bag aggressively, and caught Ava staring at her.

Ava snapped her head back around, still walking with Emm's hand around her shoulder. 'He indeed looks sca-' Her thoughts get interrupted by Emm's yell which came from right beside her left ear causing her to lean away from him awkwardly.

"Alright Ava, so let's start by getting out of this forest first, yeah?" He grins at her widely while removing his arms from around her, taking a few steps back and spreading them apart.


Hello dear silent readers, here's another update for you all.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
I'll be back soon with another one soon.

Thank You.

Kaltain [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now