Safe place 2

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In the morning.

Mugdha like every day woke up at five, it's feeling good, her body is relaxed, she rarely get this type of sleep. she woke up early, but she can't move. As she opened her eyes and watched white t-shirt . That also one inch away from her eyes. She is little bit confused as what is this.

She tried to move away from that thing, but can't. as a hand was snaking around her waist. She tried to Move back, but can't.  She look up and from that white t shirt, and got shocked by founding herself in embrace of the great hriday Singhania.

His perfect jaw line come in her view and she got astonished, while founding herself in his embrace. He was sleeping so peacefully, that she didn't want to wake him up. The sleeping lion, she is not that courageous person, who will strike axe on her foot by herself. he was looking calm and she doesn't want to make it calm before storm. by waking him up from his peace full slumber.

She looked at him steadily without moving an inch and admiring the view.

How can the person who is so much cruel can look this much inocent.

She remembered the past incident when she had encountered him before marriage.


Two months before


Mugdha after getting her pay for getting those thives arrested, got the money ten thousand rupees. she was happy, she can earn money and build her life without coming in her families eyes.

She happily completed her day alone, yes alone, not lonely. she was always contended feeling no one bully her in college. yes, they give her strange looks sometimes, but didn't bother her and she is happy with this.

She was going to police station, to meet Akshay. as she wants to get some work from him, so that she can earn money. It's for building her confidence and also to make herself strong.

She can't get all information of her mother's death, just by asking anyone. she knows most of the proofs are erased. She personally have to found the information, by digging deep in all sources. And for that she had to make her brain strong.

As Akshay was police inspector and very honest officer about duty.
Only duty.

He is intelligent and cunning.
too much cunning.

He had helped her in her crisis when there was no one around her, to help her.

And she had helped him, to find some clues about some cases. which are very small, but she can do this much for him, to repay his kindness. Thinking this she started to draw sketch of criminals by listening discription and watching her so much accurate sketches , akshy got impressed and asked her to do her work as part timer for police station. as he can't always be with her, but she can help the police station and form good Ally .

Later he got transferred and become assistant commissioner of police, she was happy for his promotion but sad also. as she can't talk him or meet him, so they exchange contacts. later she started to found about her mother's murder case and akshy started to help her.

He unlike others didn't discriminate her or pity her. He understand her situation and helped her watching her talent.  that's why she respects him a lot.

She was just got out of her campus, feeling rustling crowd she felt irritated why these people are talking and chatting about useless things rather than going their home , she didn't understand. Well it is not like they are talking about something interesting, they are just talking some rubbish about how a girl got married to another boy rather than her groom, whome she was dating for five years. Don't they have their personal life to look at. She was waiting for citybus standing at the Bus stand near her callage.

There is time for bus that's why she was standing and listening to their gossip.

They were talking about their senior in callage, that senior, she was also arts student, and her wedding was going to happen in one week before, but at the time of wedding a man came with so many people with guns and helding hostage of all her family and shooting one arm of groom, that man forcefully married to that girl.

How thrilling.

How exiting.

I also want some one like that in my life.

And you know he is super rich.

And very very handsome.

Those girls are discussing between them.

These girls are saying how thrilling, no they should say something like how disgusting this whole ordeal is , how can that person get married to that girl who was in love with another man. That girl must have feeling broken, and maybe she was hating herself for all the things happened that time, it was so much for any girl. Being some other persons wife when you love someone else is how degrading situation is this.

And these girls are saying this is what they want to happen with themselves.

What if he is handsome, and rich. If that man beat her humiliate her or worst did something to attack her dignity....

'No mugdha don't think something like that.'
She chielded herself .

Mahadev forbid , But this can happen and this is what these stupid girls are fantasizing.

Jyach jalt na tyalach kalat.
( Whose house is burnt, those will feel the pain)

Stupid bunch of idiots.

How much humiliation that girl and her family has to feel cause of that stupid human's one unthoughtful act . Now mugdha was starting to feel restless for that girl, whome she didn't meet in her life. that girl who was nobody in her life. But she is also a girl and can understand that from her point of view this girl is in a fix.

'Is she okay?'

'Can she handle all those things? Which are thrown on her way .'

Mugdha was lost in her thoughts, and some one snatch her bag from her, and ran away hastily. she ran after the person immediately following him. she is fast runner, akshy started to make her teach self defense, so that she can be get accepted in police force, but after some attempt he understands that she is nowhere near do anything about that, so he made her good at running.

As even if her strength is not that much her agility and reflexes are good so far, that's why akshy suggested her to increase her running capabilities.

She ran very fast behind that thief who stole her bag, they both are running on streets one after another. Panting hard they both come far away from her college, in a very posh area , and she reached near him, she catch her bag belt and bite that thief hand hard and he tripped in his shoes, but again standing on his feet he started to ran away.

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