From the side roads (Partybeetle)

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..Pest gripped onto the steering wheel, maneuvering at the hillside's pace as rain dropped from the heavens above, staining the car in its heavy tears, the road fogged and thin, the dim turquoise light's being partially concealed by the thick grey clouds of the upcoming storm, making the entire car feel icy. That's what Poob felt as they shivered and squirmed in their seat.

Pest grunted as he tried to turn a lane to the left, only to be met with a slip, the car shook slightly causing Poob to yelp, that when pest had to come to terms with the fact that the two won't be able to come back in one piece through this hazy storm, so pest turned to the stripped land and parked the car, making sure to firmly secure it before shutting the engine with his keys to preserve energy.

"Iz cold.." Poob whined as they hugged themselves, rubbing at their arms

"Yeah 知っている(I know).." pest sighed and leaned away, resting his head and by extension, his antler against the cold clear window, seeing the droplets race their way down to the edge to join their sisters and brothers in the puddle.

Poob sighed and turned to pest with big eyes "can we leik..go back in da car seatz an cuddle?" Pest almost felt himself go warm in the face when Poob uttered those words out, he coughed rather awkwardly "uhh...I don't know uhm..if you wanna.." he chittered, before hearing poob climb aback, the car shaking and tilting at the movements of their body, before he felt a tug at the back of his crop top jacket.

"alright alight-.." pest sighed and climbed onto the back seat with poob, feeling their soft arms wrap around him slightly, causing pest to feel rather tingly and warm inside, a feeling he still has to get used to..

"Hehe..sumones embarrassed.." Poob slyly teased, leaning their head near pest's causing his face to plunge into a deeper shade of red "save it.."

Pest still had to confront Poob about the little 'incident' back at the party home, how the man could've oh so taken the vulnerable, drunken Poob and do... things with them, things that made pest fear for poobs life, while pest might not admit it. If anything ever happens to Poob to result in their death. Pest would kill himself, but that's a premonition he'd rather bury deep in his conscious-

But in the end he still didn't have the heart to confront Poob, at least not yet, so he let himself get buried in Poob's cuddles, his top row of arms wrapping around Poob's neck and thick, frizzy hair. While his lower set hesitantly grabbed onto poobs hips, feeling rather embarrassed at the constant reign of affection that Poob would give pest. 

After a while poob laid their head against pests shoulders, leaning against the crook of pest's neck, letting his warm breath bring small shivers down pests spine.

"You're...really cuddly huh?"

"Yep :3 and ur rlly fluffy!!"

Pest mumbled and turned red once more " I'm not"

"Yes u r >:3"


"Yuh huh!"


"YUH HUH! >:/"


Soon pest actually felt kind of bad, all he was doing was simply laying down and lightly clinging onto Poob's body, he felt bad that he couldn't really give the affection back to them, he simply just felt too embarrassed to do that, he didn't want to be seen as mushy for making the first move, so pest just hugged them tighter and purred a bit, his mandibles chittering lightly.

"...u can purr??"

"Save it."

Poob giggled and gave a kiss to pests cheek, making pest kiss Poob back a little more tenderly.



"Nuthin! U don't do that often"

"Well yeah, don't- don't mention it.."

"Awww ur like a little softie! How cute!"

Pest tried to put on an offended expression, but he started to melt inside when Poob called him 'cute'..god he hated how easily flustered and sensitive he can get.

"No I'm not-!"

"Hehehehhe!!" Poob giggled childishly and pinched pests cheeks lightly "you're the cutest little beetle on the block! Cutie pie! Cutie pie!"

"STOPP.." pest whined and turned beetroot red, squirming slightly at poobs touch, trying not to let his hormones go aloof. He just tried to hide his face slightly with his palms, before Poob gently moved them away and kissed pest on the forehead

"I luv u :3"

Pest chittered and eventually calmed 

"I love you too...eugh. That was disgusting"

Poob laughed at pests unfamiliarity and smiled warmly at pest, their eyes almost sparkling even when the inside of the tight car was dim. It made pest feel something flutter in their chest, a knot if you'd call it

"It's ok, ull get used to it :3 u rlly do need love jeez.." Poob almost chuckled at the last sentence, pest didn't feel the embarrassment, at least not to a string extent, he felt a sort of need, for Poob. Is this truly felt like?

Pest couldn't contain it anymore, he slowly cupped Poob with his upper set of arms, receiving a light flinch from Poob but they didn't mind really, before leaning in and giving him a tender kiss on the lips, his mandibles holding and piercings poobs cheeks, his antlers going down as a sign of vulnerability. Something he'd never really done before in front of other people.

Poob was slightly but pleasantly surprised, they leaned into the passionate kiss, nibbling pests lower lip to tease him a little. Which worked, because pest wriggled in his position while letting his lower set of warms wrap around their back, before Poob pulled back and laid their head on pests chest, pest feeling rather all fuzzy inside as they let out a small squeak, feeling his eyelids droop.

"Sumones sleepy.." Poob smiled, rubbing against pests cheek with their thumb.

"Mhm..." pest didn't even try to come up with a fiery response to that, instead deciding to sink into comfort mess as he felt Poob shift to more comfortably lay atop of pest.

"Goodnight babe." Poob smiled and kissed pests chin. "I love you.."

"..I love you too poob." Pest said, this time, the annoyed tone in his language dissipated, leaving pest with a smile.

The first genuine smile of happiness.

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