10 - Making Love

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Lucas woke up before the drive was over, but they didn't try to talk again. Instead, Gabriel held him, and they looked out the window together. It was one of the most peaceful moments Lucas could ever remember living. He had never felt so safe. Even in the midst of all of the shit with the wizard council, he still felt safe in that car.

The landscape changed from rural countryside to urban neighborhoods, and then to lit up city streets. By ten at night they were in Chicago, and by ten-thirty they pulled into the secure parking garage under the pack office. Lucas found he wasn't tired due to his nap, and looked around with interest. Their fleet of cars parked together, and Lucas climbed out of the backseat to explore his new home.

Temporarily, at least, he reminded himself. He glanced at Gabriel and found that the alpha was looking right back at him with those glinting amber eyes. Lucas coughed and looked away.

The shifters from the other cars split up into three groups. One spread out in the garage to act as security, one went to the large elevator leading up into the building, and the last was a small group of three kind-looking shifters who escorted Joseph and Sonia from their car. The wiccan was nervous and jumpy, but she gave Lucas a brave smile.

"Welcome home," Gabriel said, leaning down so his lips brushed against Lucas's ear. Lucas shivered with want, and had to concentrate to get himself under control.

"Soon, my love," Gabriel smacked Lucas on the ass, hard, and Lucas squawked in indignation and embarrassment. Gabriel only laughed and pulled him to the elevator, which was finished being inspected by the second shifter team. Sonia looked as though she was suppressing a grin of her own, but Joseph actually looked a little nervous. But not nervous in the way of a person frightened of an intimidating encounter; no, more like a man ready to face a deadly opponent, knowing death was a possible outcome but willing, albeit reluctantly, to do it anyway. Just what was he expecting from the pack?

The elevator was massive, like the kind Lucas had seen at bulk-item stores or in museums that often needed to move large exhibit items up or down a floor. Somehow, even with all the extra space, Lucas still felt like there wasn't enough air. It probably had something to do with the man standing firmly against his back and wrapping strong, defined biceps around him. Gabriel's hands settled on his waist, and Lucas found his head leaning back against Gabriel's shoulder against his will. Gabriel placed a small, discreet kiss against Lucas's temple, and it took everything he had not to maul the alpha right then and there.

"So, what happens now?" Sonia asked when the elevator doors shut them all in.

"We have some long-term suites on the third floor for people who need them," Gabriel said. "You'll be safe there. My apartment is on the fourth floor, and I stay there permanently. Lucas will stay with me."

Lucas opened his mouth to protest, but Gabriel's thumbs slid under the bottom of his shirt and brushed against his bare skin. A flash of heat rolled through Lucas's body, and that was all it took to keep him quiet. The elevator rose up out of the underground garage.

Pathetic, Lucas grouched, but he couldn't deny that he was looking forward to being in a room alone with his ... mate. It sounded weird in his head, but he wouldn't hide from it anymore. Gabriel was his mate, they were about to be in an apartment together, all alone, and the alpha shifter looked strong enough to manhandle Lucas in the best possible way. Lucas shivered and Gabriel pulled him back more firmly against his chest.

"We have an SIA agent coming in the day after tomorrow," Gabriel continued once he was sure Lucas wasn't going to argue about the living arrangements. "They're in charge of the investigation regarding the attempt on my life. We will make sure you have your chance to tell them your testimony."

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