Chapter 7

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Huge thanks to Ahmed and Ziares for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Pov] [Location - Gotham]

Loud sirens blaired within a large bank, as individuals inside scream. "Don't move unless you wanna lose a brain!" A man with a monkey mask yelled out, as he pointed his large assault rifle at one of the customers within the bank.

"Put all the money in the bag! Dog, go and get the rest from the vault!" A man with a lion mask yelled, pointing with his pistol at a clerk. The women shivered back in fear, but did as she was told, not wishing to lose her life.

*Boom* The sound of a gunshot rippled through the bank, as one of the robbers shot a guard going for his gun. Several people screamed at the sight, horrified as they watched a guard have his brain blown to bits.

"What the fuck did I say?!" The monkey masked criminal screamed, pointing his gun at an elderly woman. While the Lion masked criminal snarled "What the fuck is taking Dog so long?!"

As he said those words, a large body flew into the man, causing him to groan out, as his gun fell from his hands. Monkey and the three other criminals all raised their guns "Who's there?!"

"Is it the bat?" A man with a cat mask asked fearfully, while the man next to him, with a snake mask, replied "It's too early into the day for the bat to appear" He said with a shake of his head, not believing it to be the bat.

The group continued to look around, guns raised. "Dog?!" The lion masked man yelled out in shock, seeing his fellow robber was the thing thrown at him, he also noticed that both of the mans legs were facing the wrong directions, and one of his arms was bent at a ninety degree angle.

"What the fuck?!" He screamed, as he got to his feet and backed up. Before any more words escaped the lips of the criminals, a soft *thwip* sound was made, as cat looked to his sides, and backed up in fear "Snake?! Tiger!?" He yelled, realizing that the two were gone. Before he could speak another word, another thwip sound rippled through the room.

Lion looked around in horror, as he realized that he was the only one left. "What the fuck?!"

"You know, you really gotta start thinking this stuff through. Like really, a bank heist? In Gotham?" A seemingly feminine voice sounded, as the man looked around "Who's there?!"

Lion looked around with gun at the ready, sweat trickling down his forehead. Realizing his situation, he let out a low growl before running and grabbing a young blonde girl by the hair "Get close and I'll kill the little bitch!"

"Man, you're kinda deaf and blind, aren't you? Maybe you should go see an optometrist or audiologist?" A voice sounded from behind him, causing his heart to drop. Before he could do anything, the arm holding his gun, was promptly snapped, causing a scream to rip itself out of his throat, before his other arm was grabbed, and he was flung into a nearby wall. 'Man I gotta work on my quips'

With the last of his consciousness, he looked up, noticing the feminine figure, and horror filled his veins "G-Ghost Spider"


Looking over the police escorting the hostages out, Gwen sat on edge of a building with a smile "A month already, huh?" Gwen said.

Over a month had passed since she had been reborn into this world, and quite a bit has happened since the beginning of her training with Bruce. For one, she had completed his "training" within a week, far outclassing Dick's speed. After that, she had begun to go out with the two on their missions, and had rapidly caught onto their ways and style.

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