Colt and Evy Bio

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Name: Colt Doorman

Age: 17


Mother - Uzi

Father - N

Sibling Twin Sister - Evy

Aunt & Uncle - Cyn, Thad

Grandparents - Khan, Nori, Tessa


polite and friendly like is dad and can be a cute and silly goober at times and also rarely mischievous but when things get serious he gets very protective of his sister and family. He is always with us sibling never leaving her side. You could say he takes a little after his dad and mom


Likes drawing, pranks with his sister, making guns with his sister, music, cute things


Height: Almost as tall as N in his disassembly drone appearance but a few inches taller than his mother as a worker drone

Clothing: has a black hoodie with puppy ears on the hood and wears a beanie like Uzi

(Hair & Eye color)

He has short white hair with a bit of purple at the end of them. He has his mother's eye color

(Crush Or Someone Having A Crush On Him)

A disassembly drone named Via short for Octavia

(Other Things)

He doesn't have the solver but he and his sister both can fly and change their arms into weapons from their father's side, he tries to be nice to J but doesn't like it when she's mean to his dad and can switch between worker drone and disassembly drone. But when it comes to Violet he is a blushing mess

Name: Evy Doorman

Age: 17


Mother - Uzi

Father - N

Sibling Twin Brother - Colt

Aunt & Uncle - Cyn, Thad

Grandparents - Khan, Nori, Tessa


smart but very much impulsive often acting violently but she hardly acts violent towards her twin brother, she can be very polite and kind but she takes more after her mother. She and her brother would get into all kinds of mischief. But she's always there for him like he's there for her


Building, pranks with her brother, making guns with her brother, music, Nightcore, scary stuff


Height: She is almost as tall as her mom but shorter than her brother in her worker drone appearance but in disassembly drone appearance she is about an inch taller than her mom

Clothing: Has a hoodie with a wolf logo in the front, wears a hat like N on her head along with goggles.

(Hair & Eye color)

She has short purple hair with a white streak along one of her bangs. She has yellow eyes like her dad

(Crush Or Someone Having A Crush On Her)

A worker/Zombie Drone named Ken

(Other Things)

She has a bit of the solver but she and her brother both can fly and change their arms into weapons from their father's side, she likes hanging out with Octavia and being mischievous with her sometimes, can switch between worker drone and disassembly drone

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