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Murder/Attempted Murder scenes


10,000 years ago, The Island of Efrait

The climate was tropical, as it always was, as the enchanting city of Efrait loomed over most of the island, the only thing comparable was the mountain range that his behind it's shadows, forgotten by most as exotic nature covered it. Many creatures dwelled on this island, sharing the earth, sky & Sea with Efrait's dominant species: Humans. 

Yes, dear reader, throughout the multiverse mankind has rekindled and rebirthed, becoming the dominant species in most. In the land of Efrait, this was mostly true. Though, their Human kind was a bit different than ours. Most were adorned with animalistic features, such as horns, ears tails, & sometimes other body parts, depending on their heritage.

This was normal, though, & created lot's of cultural diffusion throughout the island, though there never seemed to be any serious problems. Still, the citizens worried that one day they would arise against one another, & so they formed a constitutional monarchy, & elected Efrait's first  Queens, Eliza & Starmory.

Queen Eliza didn't like the idea of living in a huge castle, as she feared it would threaten the people, or show that she thought she was better. This lead to the main structure of Efrait being a small home, where Eliza & Starmory lived atop a hill, which later became the home of every Royal Family.

Queen Eliza was selfless, & felt obliged to protect & provide for her citizens, as a good Queen should have, but her wife was far from the same. While Starmory put on a public appearance & tried her best to conform to her wife's ways, something inside of her was pulling at her heart, telling her that her wife's style of ruling was wrong. This was a Monarchy, & while citizens still had rights, shouldn't they be working on improving Efrait, rather than having a yard sale?

Notably, this could have come from her own animalistic features, as Starmory was one of the very few people who had the traits of a dragon, while Queen Eliza had those of a deer. Their personalities were very different, & Starmory had finally caved, giving in to her needs & wants.

"Eliza, my dearest," she spoke as she walked into their living room, masking her normal stoic or disapproving expression with a warm smile. Eliza looked up, a bit surprised to see her wife actually speaking to her, as Starmory tended to stay rather quiet. Setting aside her novel, Eliza stood up and walked over to her wife, "yes, my love?" she replied with a smile more epure than the sun.

Starmory exhaled sharply, a pang of guilt pulling at her chest as she stared at Eliza, so pure, innocent & caring. But that was exactly the problem.

Dear reader, I have far from the faintest clue why it was a problem. Maybe Starmory forgot the equal rights act, though I suppose it may not have been invented yet. Nonetheless, while Eliza took Starmory's hand in hers, she was met with one of the most painful feelings in her life: betrayal, as Starmory proceeded to shove a dagger through her lovers heart.

Eliza was shocked, obviously, as she staggered back, blood spilling on the floor of their home as if a red tsunami had just made way. Eliza looked up at Starmory, "S-star..?" she asked, , looking at her wife, & then the knife through her chest. Before Starmory could even attempt to apologize, Eliza fell to the floor. Dead. Perished. Gone. And all at Queen Starmory's hand.

You would think that perhaps Queen Starmory felt remorse for her actions, but her facial expression stayed blank as she stared at her deceased wife, a singular tear falling off her face before she exited their villa to continue her plan. Starmory bent down & held Eliza's head in her lap before clearing her throat, & shouting as loud as physically possible, "HELP! SOMEBODY HAS SLAUGHTERED MY DEAR WIFE!"

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