006. Roadkill

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         Sam Uley hadn't a clue what to do with Paul. Yelling, punching, shapeshifting, pacing, repeat. That's the routine that the pack had to watch the Lahote boy go through ever since he came back from the Sanders residence. The alpha had tried to get into his head and talk to him, to calm him the fuck down. None of it seemed to be working. Emily made him his favourite food and tried to talk to him too but still he would not give.

"Man, you have to calm down." Jared finally piped up from across the table, watching as Paul seemed to be making dents in the floor from how often he paced across it.

The boys head flicked over to his pack mate, fury in his eyes as he stared at Kim and Jared.

"You don't get to talk when you have your soulmate sat on your lap." He seethed at them. Jealousy coursing through his veins. Jared had his imprint as his girlfriend, and she liked him. Whereas Paul was lost, his practically loathes him. She angered him so much, yet worry clawed at his flesh. The way Saskia's father acted towards her had him questioning if he should have left that day.

"She'll come around." Jacob had now chimed in, the most recent member of the pack still unaware of where he ranks.

"Oh and you!" Paul scoffs, a humourless chuckle leaving him as he stepped closer to Jacob. "You left her when she needed you the most."

"I had to and you know that Paul!"

"You don't get to speak to me like you know what it's like."

"She's my best friend!"

"She's my soulmate!" They were almost nose to nose. Jacob knew Paul was hotheaded, so why he was provoking him, no one knew.

"You barely know anything about her." The newest shapeshifter challenged.

"Fuck you, you've been more of a friend to the leech lover in two months than you have ever been for Saskia."

"You-" Sam had stormed in by now, Embry hot on his trail as they walked into the house. Having heard the urgent voice of Jared in their heads.

"Hey!" The Uley man stepped in between them, puffing his chest out to insert dominance between the pack mates. "That's enough, stand down."

Paul kept his glare, waiting for Jacob to back away first.

"I said stand down-"

A frantic knock on the door stopped Sam's order, all the shapeshifters glancing towards the door in confusion. Not having expected anyone and they can all hear the racing heart of whoever was behind that door.

Paul however immediately knows, he can smell her scent. The smell of cigarettes and vanilla. He makes a move towards the door but Sam's hand on his chest stops him.

"Jacob! I know you're in there!" His heart sunk. Clenching his jaw so hard as he watches the other boy walk towards the door. Why did it hurt so much?

"Jacob, please, you believe me don't you?" Saskia was frantic. Her hands red and raw pushing back the loose pieces of hair that escaped the rest that has been thrown up at the back of her head.

Road of the Lonely Ones ✸ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now