Chapter 4

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Axels POV.

I've tried texting my friends, but there has been no answer. I luckily hid my phone well enough not to get with it. I've been up all night long and only went to bed at 3. It is not 6 in the morning.

I plan to unpack, but not too much because i know I'm going to get out of here some way or another.

That gives me something to do for the next few hours. I was scrolling on my phone and unpacking. Maybe i should look in the cupboard for my uniform.

I see three unifroms magically all in my size. Im not that small of a sman standing at 5'8-5'11. I haven't checked. im just guessing. I have a lean build and brown fluffy hair.

All the uniforms had lables, so i looked for the one that said "Obedience," remembering that was the first faze.

I guess it isn't so bad. I put the uniform on and style my hair as it's now 7:45.

This is going to be such a long day. I dont even know where to go.

This is shit. Why was it me? Why was i the one to be put here. Yes, I've been taken to the station and have been given a warning nearly every day, but that's not the point. I wouldn't want to put my friends here, but i would appreciate the company. BuT nOoOoO OfCoUrSe nOt.

I let out a huge sigh. Now i have a damn headache. How do i even get to the dining hall?

I hear people walking outside my dorm and decide to follow them. It's the best way. Thankfully, they were wearing the same uniform as me, but i dont know how long they have been here. I just need to keep my mouth shut. None of the friendship bullshit. I need to get put of here.

I emter the dining hall and holyshit this is out of a movie. It's busy, so I'll just sit in the corners. I dont want to get noticed.

I walk up to the line. Im hungry, so I might as well just get food while im here. Finally, after a good bloody 10 minutes, i get to the front. The lady takes one look at my uniform and gives me a toasted cheese sandwich. Who has this for breakfast? It came with a bottle of water and strawberries.

Suddenly, a man i remember from yesterday, Zavier, hands me a note and walks off. He completely ignored my presence.

"Well fuck you too i guess" i mumble under my breath.

I found an empty side table in the corner and began to eat my food when suddenly I felt a presence beside me.

"Hi! My name is Emily! What's yours?" I hear a soft and cheerful girl voice.

"What do you want?" I ask in an annoyed tone. Can't i just be left alone?

"Well, i would enjoy being friends. You're sitting at the table i usually sit alone at."

"Cry about it. I dont want to be friends. " i try to shoo her as i get back to my food.I noticed she was also wearing the girls' obedience uniform. So she was in the same faze as me.

"Please, can we try?"  I hear her voice again, this time softer like she was about to cry.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, im Axel."

her face lights up, and she gives me a huge smile and takes a seat next to me. "How long have you been here for?" She asks.

Do i have to do this..

"It's my first day." I say. "Really? It's mine too, i came here yesterday."

"What you come here for?" I ask. Come on, i can't be one of the worst. I'll be out of here in no time. Easy.

"My parents think im a brat." I hear her as she sighs."You?"

"Stuff." I dont want to give out information, i have no idea what the connections these people may have to outside gangs. I have quite the collection of enemies to deal with.

I decided then to read the letter i was given while this "Emily" digs into her same food.

"Go to reception for your schedule." It said. And gave me a bunch of directions. Just as i finished reading i hear the bell. I didnt even get to finish breakfast.

Kill. Me. Now.

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