Chapter 1: Ember

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"Seriously Mr. Miller? This is a challenge?" I stared up at the huge building towering over me. My name is Ember Brown, also known as Phoenix, the best spy in the IIC. And I'm supposed to be infiltrating the Syndicate's base, to steal a few papers they have. But I already knocked out all of the main security, sooooo... Not much of a challenge, to be honest.

"Don't underestimate them Miss Brown. They'll have some kind of surprise waiting inside." My boss, Mr. Miller said through my earpiece.

I sighed. "Of course they will."

The next five minutes went pretty smoothly. I got rid of the internal security, and headed to their storage room. Then everything went down. I was unlocking their safe with the password Mr Miller gave me when I heard a soft female voice with a british accent from behind me.

"Wow. You're really bad at sneaking around, Phoenix." I turned to see a beautiful, tall young lady with perfect posture, long flowing black hair, and piercing, cold, ice blue eyes. She smirked, as if she knew everything. I knew who she was immediately.

"Hybrid." I hissed. She waved at me, still with that annoying smirk plastered across her face. I clutched the hilt of my dagger, readily. Then suddenly she lashed out with a pair of dual swords. I barely stopped her from cutting off my neck. Then she stabbed with her second blade. I couldn't fight both of them at the same time, so I decided to get rid of them. I knocked the first one from her grip easily but the second blade was harder. I got it eventually though. Hybrid growled, and came at me with her bare hands alone, and I wasn't expecting that, so she easily got rid of my dagger. Soon enough we were throwing fists. I tackled her to the ground, but she threw me off, and pinned my hands and legs to the ground. She stared into my eyes, and smiled kindly. Then she carefully got off me and offered her hand to me. I cautiously took it, and she pulled me up.

"I'm tired of you calling me Hybrid. I'm Audrey Williams. What about you?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Uh..I'm Ember Brown..Aren't you supposed to be killing me?" I asked.

"I hate my mom and her stupid organization. I'm perfectly fine without killing you." Audrey told me. I stared at her curiously. Her ice blue eyes were actually not that cold, they were way more warm and welcoming than I thought. Her hair flowed past her shoulders and to her waist perfectly, and her clothes hugged her curves perfectly. Her skin was flawless, and her makeup was amazing. Audrey was beautiful in a dark, creepy way.

"O-okay...I should get going." I picked up my dagger, the papers and climbed out the window quickly and swiftly.

"Wait!" Audrey ran up to the windowsill. "This is my number. Call me." She handed me a small piece of paper and smiled warmly.

I walked back to our Jeep, wondering what the fuck just happened. I climbed in to be greeted by my team, the . AKA, Camilla (Cam, Cami, Milli, Milla), Connor, Ethan, and Mia (Mimi).

"Hey! Did you get them?" Mia asked. I nodded and waved the papers. She squealed and hugged me, while the rest patted me on the back. I spent the rest of the trip in silence. When we finally got to HQ, I went straight to my room to look at the piece of paper Audrey had given me.


Audrey's phone number. I quickly dialed it into my phone and called her. I know that was probably a bad move, but I was impatient. And irrational. I still don't understand how I'm the best spy here. Also, for some unknown reason, I trusted Audrey. I know. That sounds stupid. Audrey finally picked up after like 30 seconds.

"Hey! How are you Ember?" She asked cheerily.

"I'm fine. But just so you know, my phone is untrackable." I added warily. Audrey laughed, a beautiful sound.

"Still think I'm trying to kill you? Damn Ember! You're paranoid."

"Well, excuse me! I'm just trying to keep the world safe here!" Audrey fell silent.

"Right. Sorry about my mother. I'm trying to knock some sense into her, while trying to stay alive. Mum kills anyone she might think is a traitor. The only reason I'm alive right now is because I'm her daughter." Audrey told me quietly. "I had a plan. I was going to ask Mum if I could be recruited into the IIC so that we would have a double agent thing, but really what's going to happen is that I'll be telling you guys about the Syndicate and stuff."

" actually a pretty good plan. And I'm sorry about your mom." I replied sincerely.

"It's fine. If this works, I'll probably see you next month. Shit! Mum's callling. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" Audrey hung up. I put down my phone, dazed. I like Audrey.

Idk if I like that or not.

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