2: Audrey

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I walked through the halls of my mom's huge mansion, with only one thing one my mind. Phoenix. Ember. Her luscious strawberry blonde hair, and beautiful amber eyes. Her flawless skin. Her defiance. She was too perfect. Why did I like her so much? Everytime I thought of her, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. I was planning to not kill her, but when she finally turned her head to me... Why am I thinking this?! I should be her enemy! I AM her enemy. I could easily kill her now. I can track her location. She trusts me, so it'll be so easy to stab her. But no. I can't. I like her too much, I- I bumped into my mother, Amira Williams in the hallways. How I didn't hear the clicking of her stilletos hitting the marble floor, I don't know. She turned her sharp features towards me. Her dark hair was pulled into an elaborate bun, and her cold blue eyes studied me, looking into my soul.

"Hello dear. What's on your mind?" She asked, trying to be motherly. It was not working.

"Nothing." I pushed past her and speed walked to my room. She called to me, saying something about a mission. I stopped when I heard the word Phoenix. I turned to my mother, my eyes questioning.

"You will be going to the IIC. To train as a spy. The Phoenix's team, Raven will be training you. You leave tomorrow." My mother said smugly. My eyes widened. One half of me was ecstatic, knowing that I was going to see Ember. The other half of me was screaming angrily, knowing that I'm going to be a spy. And another part of me was wondering how my mom knew what to do before I even asked her. I nodded painfully at my mother and proceeded to my room.


I stood under the shade of a skyscraper my mom told me to wait at. A black jeep rolled up in front of me. I lowered my black hood and put my hands in my pockets. The window rolled down, and my ice blue eyes met a pair of burning amber eyes, like fire.

"Hybrid?" The voice that had haunted me gasped.

Okay I am not ending it there.


I sat in the passenger seat next to Ember, who was driving. A traffic light flashed red, we stopped abruptly. Ember let out a breath. She turned to me, her luscious lips stretched into a grimace.

"What are you doing here? I know that we had a plan, but not this early!" She exclaimed. A couple strips of hair escaped from her messy bun, and I used all my willpower not to tuck them behind her ear. I shrugged.

"My mom. She wants me to play the secret agent role. I didn't even have to ask her." I replied. Ember scoffed and shook her head, as if she'd expected it.

"Stupid Syndicate and their mind reading antics." She muttered to herself, which gave me time to admire her fashion sense. She had paired a periwinkle t shirt with a grey skort. She probably also had her dagger concealed in one of her combat boots. She glanced at me and asked what I was looking at. I shook my head and said nothing.

"Yeah right. What's up Hybrid?" She asked, her American accent fitting so perfectly with her entire look.

"Nothing. There, drive." I pointed to the now green light. Then a question tumbled out of my mouth. "Why do you call me Hybrid?"

"I don't know. Maybe because that's what I've been brought up calling you, imagining a creepy supervillain kind of girl. But you, you're.." she muttered something under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked, taunting her. She glared at me, and said it again, but louder.

"Beautiful.." I heard her say. A blush crept up my neck, making me turn to the window. I muttered a thank you and smiled to the window.

"So. Should I yeet you out of that window now? Becuase I still dont trust you." Ember said. I spun and glared at her.

"No. I told you, I'm on your side. When are you going to believe that?"

"I don't know! I told you, I can't trust you! I don't know how..." she added. I placed my hand on hers, making a blush appear on her cheeks. She took her hand back and looked forward. I sighed and went back to sulking.

"After my mother made me murder my dad, I swore I would never hurt anyone ever again." I said quietly. Ember's head snapped in my direction, her eyes filled with concern.

"I-I'm so sorry... is it okay if I ask for some more info?" She asked. I shook my head and looked down at my feet. A single tear slid down my face. I pulled my hood over my head and turned away from Ember. She whispered an apology, and we spent the rest of the trip in silence.

Dang. Backstory alert!

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