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Chan and I had sex...

He'd somehow managed to make it way less scary than I'd thought it would be, but the circumstances around it and the way his father had stormed in, demanding to see for himself my most private area when I was in a more vulnerable mindset than I'd ever been in my life, was a lot to mentally recover from. I was drained.

I was too weak to feel awkward being naked in front of Chan. I didn't want to move. He held me in his lap curled into his chest for what must've been hours. He did his best to calm me down and remind me that I was safe now, but I knew it couldn't be true.

His father could come back and demand we go for Round 2 whenever he wanted. He could threaten us with Blade whenever he wanted. His father had mentioned something about next week on the phone...I was sure we'd be repeating this entire process again when he came back.

At least now I knew that sex with Chan in itself wasn't bad. He had been gentle like he had promised. He hadn't hurt me. He only started truly fucking me when he knew I was comfortable and actually enjoying the feeling.

My eyes drooped down and shut as I hummed into his warm embrace. I yawned and cuddled his chest.

I heard him breathe a soft laugh and looked up at him while fighting to keep my heavy eyelids open.

He was looking down at me with a sweet expression. "Are you tired pretty girl?" he cooed as he ran his fingers through my hair. I loved that feeling. It relaxed me right away and made me forget that I'd ever been scared at all.

"Very," I sighed, and I sunk down to the bed to lay my head across his thigh. I pulled up the comforter and let my eyes close fully.

I could hear the bed shuffle, and my head dropped harshly to the flat mattress when Chan moved, too.

"Sorry," he muttered, joining me under the comforter.

My head found a new home on Chan's chest, and I happily accepted his fingers back to massaging my scalp.

"Are you asleep?" he murmured.

My brain was too tired to respond. My body felt weak.

"Sleep all you want, Phi," Chan kissed my temple tenderly. "I'm so sorry that we had to do that."

I hummed, but he mistook it for a snore. I couldn't find the energy to make my lips move so that I could tell him I was awake.

"I'm sorry about my father. He shouldn't have done that."

I hummed again, and Chan gave me another kiss. He definitely thought I was asleep, but kept talking to himself, nonetheless.

"I'll make sure your second time is exactly what you want," he laughed quietly to himself. "I can't believe you were jealous at the diner."

I recalled the ladies flirting with him. They had been shameless, but, then again, so was Chan. He liked the attention. He'd encouraged them. It was funny how after everything that happened today he'd remembered that one comment I'd made. Maybe he liked me being jealous.

"I don't like my real family very much...shocking I know," he chuckled quietly. "The employees there have become a replacement for me. They're even open on holidays, so sometimes I find an excuse to skip my family's parties and go there instead."

My heart felt sad for lonely, lovely Chan. Had he had no one to confide in all his life? No friends to take him in?

"I'll tell them next time we go that we're married. I didn't want to overwhelm you with their enthusiasm, but they'll be very excited. They've been begging me to find someone."

He sat quietly for a minute, and I had almost fallen asleep when he started back up again.

"I was really angry when my family had told me I was going to marry you. Even more so, when I found out the reason was just for more money when they already have a seemingly endless supply of it..." his voice trailed off as he took in a deep breath.

"But I feel very lucky. You're not what I expected. I guess I assumed you'd be more like them...our parents I mean... or the others. Cold, conniving, money-hungry..."

He swallowed loudly.

"But you're so...you're so normal. You're beautiful and smart and nice but...you don't seem to be like them at all. I am really grateful for that."

I couldn't agree with the sentiment more. I'd been told Chan was a borderline player with an attitude problem, but he's been gentle and sweet, and thoughtful. Not to mention he was hot as hell.

"I really am scared of the dark," he admitted. "Maybe one day soon you'll trust me enough to tell me things about you too."

I made a mental note to try to do that tomorrow or later today. I didn't know what time it was...

"I know you were scared earlier...both before and after..." he sighed heavily. "I'm really sorry, Phi."

I hoped he didn't feel guilty about that. It wasn't his fault.

"It's my fault. I should've pushed back more on my father. It's just...I've seen what Blade is capable of, and I don't want him anywhere near you."

I made another mental note to find out more about Blade and the things he's done. I wondered if he'd be a permanent risk to us or if he only existed as a threat until we had a baby.

...Fuck. We had to produce a child.

"One day I hope to find a way for us to get away from our families and Blade. That was my plan before the wedding and still is, but now I'll include you too."

Was I pregnant now? Would I even know already?

"Unfortunately, I owe him a favor before leave. But then we will find a way to be safe, Ophelia, I promise."

Can you test positive after just a week? Is that why his dad was coming back so soon?

"At least if you end up pregnant you'll have a different doctor than the one my parents sent last time. I took care of that other one, baby. He'll never hurt you again," Chan soothed.

He must've fucked him up good to be so certain that he'd never find his way back to me.

"Hey Phi," Chan shook me lightly, and I managed to open my eyes. "Hey baby, do you want to go to your bed or stay here with me?"

The question was sweet but stupid. I closed my eyes and cuddled into his chest. Chan wrapped a secure arm around me as I drifted to sleep.

"You're safe," he whispered.

Sorry about the little baby chapter but the last one was long af and life is all about balance lol

PS i'd be low-key annoyed at his yapping if i was as tired as she was lol

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