Chapter 47

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*Saros POV*

Saros knew that his brother was doing something stupid, he was able feel it in the inexplicable way that magical twins often could and he knew that there must be something he could do about it. His brother had left an envelope addressed to him on the small table in their shared flat, when he opened it he was surprised to find letter apologising for his actions but informing him that there was a good chance he would not return from his mission. Exactly what the mission was remained unclear to Saros but he was sure that it must have something to do with taking down the Dark Lord. The man had been researching dark magic and life preservation for months; presumably he had worked out what their master was doing and decided to stop him by himself.

Running a hand through his dark hair, Saros wondered who on Earth he was meant to go to about this - not their other brother, he would just tell Saros that they shouldn't have followed the family ideals before shutting the door in his face. Saros didn't know anyone else who would help him: his own friends from Beauxbatons had largely abandoned him once he moved back to Britain and joined the Dark Lord's ranks, the rest of his family members were either in support of the Dark Lord or they were being held under the Imperius curse, and as far as he was aware - his brother didn't have any friends from Hogwarts.

Trying to dig back in the memories of everything his twin had told him about the school, only one name came into Saros's mind: Mariya Seratova. His brother had always talked about the woman and how incredible she was, maybe she would be able to assist with this problem. Deciding that the best thing he could do was apparate to her house, Saros quickly grabbed his wand from its place on the table - picking up the letter at the same time - and made his way to the front door.

Appearing only a few metres in front of the Manor, Saros quickly made his way up the few steps and knocked heavily on the door. It was opened almost immediately by a tall man with straight dark hair, not dissimilar to Saros's own, and pale blue eyes - this must be her father.

"Regulus?" He asked, looking at the young man in front of him. "Regulus Black?"

"No, Sir." Saros answered as the other man gestured for him to come inside before closing the door behind him. "Saros Black."

Mariya's father frowned for a moment, "I didn't know Regulus had another brother," He muttered under his breath before looking Saros in the eyes once more. "Am I to take it that you're here to speak to Mariya?"

Saros nodded, "Yes, sir. It is rather urgent regarding the continued existence of my brother."

"I won't make you climb the stairs then," He told the young man, walking towards the bottom of the staircase before looking over his shoulder for a minute to warn, "You might want to cover your ears."

Saros was immediately glad that he did as the other man suggested, as he proceeded to bellow his daughter's name up the stairs. It was quite surprising to hear the man yell so loudly as he didn't strike Saros as the sort of person who every really shouted. As he took his hands away from his ears, Saros heard a faint reply, presumably from Mariya herself.

Seeing Saros's shocked expression, Mariya's father grinned at him, "It is by far the easiest way of communicating with anyone in a house this big."

Saros nodded, "Of course, Sir."

Mariya's father sighed as he heard the way Saros addressed him. "Petro, please. I feel old when people call me Sir, especially coming from people who are young enough to be my children."

Saros was unsure how to react to this statement but was saved from having to work it out as a shout came from above their heads.

"But you are old, Тато." Mariya's dark head appeared around the corner and she grinned at her father.

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