The Red shoes

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Charlie sat at the back of his career's lesson scrolling through Pinterest looking at make up ideas, whilst Miss Hedge droned on and on to the other students asking them what they wanted to do for a career. Charlie was busy looking at pictures of drag queens thinking how powerful and strong they looked that he obviously didn't hear Miss Hedge calling his name until she was stood right in front of his desk slamming her hand down on the table.

The other students apart from James and Nick laughed as Charlie jumped at the loud noise unaware that it was triggering for him, Miss Hedge looked at Charlie and said 'Charlie spring I asked you twice what do you want to do when your grow up?' Charlie locked his phone and said 'Sorry miss. I think I'd like to be a performer on stage Miss', Miss Hedge walked back to the front of the classroom and said 'Now why would you want to do that, what makes you think you'll be any good at it' Charlie wanted to reply with a sarcastic comment but he really didn't want a detention tonight so he kept quiet and then rugby star Nick nelson stood up and said 'Why can't he be a performer if he wants to be, he's got an amazing voice honestly I think he'd be amazing on stage'. 

Charlie looked over at Nick and smiled as he mouthed the words Thank you to him. Once Careers class was over Charlie left with James glancing to the left to look at Nick one last time. Charlie's last lesson of the day was History and it went really quickly and soon Charlie was leaving school to walk home, as he walked out of the school gates he saw Ben watching him he was the one who had caused Charlie so much pain in the past and he still did today.

But nothing could dampen his happiness today because it was his 18th birthday today and he had no idea that his dad and siblings had arranged a party for him and invited his friends. As Charlie walked up the hill towards his house all he could think about was Nick Nelson and he he'd stood up to Miss Hedge for him, honestly nobody had ever done that for him. 

Meanwhile at Charlie's house Elle was helping Charlie's sister Tori finish putting up the decorations in the garden, Elle had made some beautiful brightly coloured paper lanterns with glitter on them, Tao walked out of the kitchen and said 'I can't believe Charlie's mum won't even come to his party let alone send him a card'. Tori got down off the step ladder and said 'Don't worry I've got it sorted I went out and got him a card and I wrote it so it looked like it was from her and I even chose a crappy card exactly as she would have done'.

Elle finished threading the coloured lights through the paper lanterns and said 'Do you not think he'll ever realise that it's you or his dad writing these cards for him' Tori came out of the kitchen carrying the plates and said 'One day I'm sure he will do and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it but hopefully he'll understand'. Charlie's brother Oliver came running into the garden shouting 'Charlie's just about to open the door quickly hide'. 

As Charlie walked into the house he thought it was very quiet normally his brother came running downstairs asking him to play Mario go kart with him or his dad gave him a cheerful hello from the kitchen, he placed his bag on the coat hook and walked out into the kitchen and gasped when he saw all the amazing food that had been laid out on the table. Charlie jumped slightly when a couple of party poppers went off behind him and he turned around and saw all his friends standing in the doorway to the garden shouting Happy birthday to him.

Charlie's friends all gave him a hug and then his dad hugged him and said 'Happy Birthday Charlie my boy' Charlie hugged his dad tight and said 'Thanks dad, this is amazing' Charlie's dad had always been so supportive of Charlie's sexuality and the way he dressed etc so for his 18th birthday he wanted to give him something that would give Charlie a boost of confidence. Charlie's dad walked out into the garden where Charlie was sat with his friends and placed a shoe box down on the table in front of him and said 'Happy Birthday Charlie' Charlie got very excited as he opened the box and when he took the lid off everyone gasped at the beautiful red heels, Charlie stood up and hugged his dad and said 'Dad thank you so much I love them your the best'. 

Once they'd sung happy birthday and had some cake everyone sat around talking and Charlie opened more presents, James looked at Charlie and said 'Just think Charlie if you become a drag queen you can wear your red shoes' Charlie's dad looked at Charlie and said 'Is that what you want to be when you leave school'. Charlie slowly nodded unsure of what his dad would say but his dad squeezed his hand tightly and said 'If that's what you want to do Charlie then you go for it and grab it with both hands and shine brightly'. 

Elle took the lid off the shoe box and said 'Put them on now Charlie and give us your best Drag queen walk on the flower bedding wall' Charlie looked at the wall that Elle meant and it was just wide enough that he would be able to walk along it, so he put his heels on and stood up he wobbled slightly and his friends all moved to grab him but he held his hands up and said 'I'm alright, just a little wobble'. James held Charlie's left hand as Charlie stepped up onto the flower bedding wall once he'd steadied himself he walked a few steps to get used to them and then when he turned around at the end he held his head up high and gave his best drag queen walk throwing in a twirl at the end and his friends and family, James looked at Charlie and said 'That was amazing Charlie, your going to be an amazing drag queen'.

The next day at school Charlie decided to use his free period and go to the library and study for his exams, as usual it was empty everyone else was most likely at the prom committee meeting. Charlie sat at his usual table which was in the quieter corner of the library near one of the windows that looked out onto the fields, he took his books out of his bag and opened his history book just as a voice said 'Charlie do you mind if I join you'. 

Charlie looked up and saw Nick stood near the table he smiled and said 'Of course not Nick' shortly after Nick had joined Charlie Elle came along to join them and Charlie decided to show Nick his birthday present, Charlie took the lid off the box and Nick stared at the beautiful red shoes and said 'Wow there so cool, are they for you to wear on your feet'. Charlie didn't know whether to laugh or not in the end he gave Nick a look and sarcastically said 'No Nick I'm going to pierce my nipples and swing them off my tits'.

All three of them burst into laughter but Charlie quickly hid the shoe box back in his bag as Ben and Harry came into the Library, Ben looked over at Charlie and said 'What are you staring at Charlie you gay freak'. Nick was about to turn around and say something to Ben but Charlie beat him to it and said 'Oh get lost Ben I don't have time for you crap', but Ben soon turned his attention to Elle and said 'And what about you, you spotty, sweaty, nerdy virgin' at that point Charlie had heard enough he stood up and pushed Ben away and said 'Don't you dare call her that, why don't you just get lost Ben'.

Ben looked at Charlie and said 'Fine your friends aren't worth it but you better watch your back Charlie'. Once Ben had gone Elle looked at Charlie giving a brief smile before saying 'Thank you Charlie but you shouldn't have done that he'll turn on you now', Charlie was about to speak when James grabbed his red shoes from Charlie's bag and said 'Charlie I think you are amazing and I also think you should come out as a drag queen at the Prom'.

Charlie looked down at his history text book and then said 'I don't know if that's a good idea I mean for a start what would I wear. I would love to go in a dress but I have no idea where I'd get one'.

James handed Charlie a card for a shop and said 'Try this place, the owner is called Hugo he's great. I go there all the time to get my clothes but what's even better is he has a huge selection of dresses to choose from'.

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