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Graduation season eventually rolled around, signalling the end of spring. Augustine was thankful to be rid of junior year and her god awful biology teacher, and a certain blond friend of hers was feeling the same— hence why they were at the Dilaurentis home, getting ready to storm the Cullens graduation party.

Granted, Augustine was naturally invited given that she was a member of the family, but she thought it would be fun to bring Will with her. She'd brought her change of clothes to his house, coincidentally located on the same street as the Swan residence, and they did what normal teenagers did: they pre-gamed.

And by pre-gamed, she meant that she was going to be their designated driver while Will was nursing a bottle of some kind of sterile smelling liquor from his older sister's room. It wasn't like she could actually drink anyways, and Carlisle had been more than willing to lend her his car for the evening when she asked.

"What's it like— living with that many siblings?" he asked, rummaging through his closet to find a pair of sneakers that would match his shirt.

Augustine shrugged. "I grew up with just my brother, but it's not as different as I thought it'd be," she supplied from her seat at the boy's messy desk. "They're family, blood or not."

"Emmett, right?" he asked for clarification, hearing the name about a million times from the girl.

Though she hadn't been thinking of Emmett as the one brother she grew up with, she reminded herself of the story they gave to the public. As far as anyone needed to know, they were biological siblings, just like Jasper and Rosalie were. "Yeah, he's two years older than us."

"Hannah's three years older than us, out in Seattle for school," he replied, and Augustine subconsciously turned to the photograph of the two Dilaurentis siblings. The older girl was smiling brightly as her arm was wrapped around her taller, but younger brother. She had a tattoo on her inner bicep of what looked like a dolphin, and Augustine thought it was hilarious. "She should be home in two weeks after her exams. I really want you to meet her."

"Only if I get to introduce you to Emmett tonight," she mused, a smile of her own on her face as she thought about the stocky vampire. "You'll love him; he's literally you but louder.

Will scoffed, disbelieving. "If that's even possible."

"You'd be surprised," she laughed, leaning forward in the chair as her friend slipped on a pair of white shoes. "Ready to hit the road?"

Will took another swig of the bottle's contents and winced, leaving it on his desk. "Now I am."

⋆☾ ゚。⋆

Driving up through the driveway, Augustine didn't need to have enhanced hearing to take note of just how loud the partygoers inside the house were.

Luckily, having Cullen privileges and whatnot, Augustine parked in the garage rather than even try to think about parallel parking in the busy driveway. "Your place is fucking massive, teeny." Will observed, even as they clamoured out of the parked vehicle. "Even your garage is fancy as fuck."

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now